Hats off to BLM heroes...

Post was irrelevant. Any one in the lounge for the past month, knows that whites are all racist and privileged, so it doesn't matter who is killing them. Topic is about BLM.
Agree, and even BLM was created by White Supremacy
Do you find @normsmith
of posting irrelevant shit and attempting to pass it off as a rebuttal? Yay or Nay? It's 1-0 Yay so far.
Lol, you really don't want to go there? Let's not go there. Stop posting bs! My God the innocence of white people. When they have a whole history of killing, and still doing it, but statistics won't point that out, and whites damn sure isn't going to admit to it. Poor edomites. They think they're innocent. SMFH
Ask all the prisoners they are innocent to
Just like 84 percent of whites are killed by other whites but of course you failed to post those statistics. @Dr.L.ThugU are you going to "like" this post?
What percentage of the black population dies by violent crime compared to the percentage of the white population that dies by violent crime and then you will have your answer.
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