“It’s very challenging but we’re not overwhelmed “

I’m waiting to see a news clip with a hospital that is totally over run and patients stacked outside of rooms.
i mean I showed you facts. If you care to rebut or deny show me your facts.

In regards to the military, the greatest general of the 20th century said right before leaving office as President less than 15 yrs after WW2 “beware of the military industrial complex” - dwight D. Eisenhower (R)
I say Trump vs Socialism and you spew erroneous garbage.
It’s a BINARY choice, google it if you dont know the meaning
How many people died from the flu and or other causes.
How many people died from the flu and or other causes AND WERE COUNTED AS COVID???

My only issue with the flu comparison to Rona is the regular flu doesn’t cause hospitalizations at this rate. Counting deaths as Covid is whatever as to me death is death all that is media driven sensationalism and money for the hospitals. which I’m fine with because they are losing their income for elective surgeries and most of it is because people are being morons and filling up beds and just not being smart.

Also,Maybe Baptist isn’t overwhelmed but Jackson is Just about capacity.
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