22 and 26 year old cops killed NYC. Why so young?


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
Can't get cops when you don't support them. When you don't support the job they have to do. When your DA releases criminals right back onto the street.

22 FREAKING years old partnered with another baby at 26. I'm sure New Yorkers feel real safe with kids patrolling their streets.

Whats next High School graduates?
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It’s not an attractive job any more
Attracting minorities is a challenge everywhere, in my city virtually impossible.
I’m not surprised that these heroes were so young , likely thinking that they were doing a great public service.
It’s like the army , the youngsters are the ones that are thrown on the front lines and in harms way
It used to be that most cops were highly respected in the neighborhood and rarely faced violence. Not so any more