3.5trillion FREE! They really think we are stupid. Libs are


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
Free? Free? What is free in America? What Government program is free? They are pathological liars. They say it, repeat it, believe it, repeat it, repeat it, over and over again. Then they huddle up and laugh at the fools in this country.
I give credit where credit is due and the Left has ginormous ballz. They really never cease to amaze me with the things they say even when our eyes say otherwise.

Border? There's no problem at the border
Covid? We are gonna get rid of covid vote for us
Afghanistan? A complete success!
Inflation? What inflation? It's Trump's fault.
Deficit? Trump added 7 trillion never mentioning 6 Trillion was pandemic spending
Wuhan Lab? Nah we don't have to look there.
3.5 Trillion package? Free won't cost anyone a penny
Allies? Relationships never better
Unemployment? It's not the free money causing job shortages.
Antifa? No white supremacy burned down all those cities.
Crime spike? Police fault

And they really believe it. And some on here vote for these liars.

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