3rd Conservative Radio Host Who Condemned Vaccines Dies of Covid....SAD

You still have to wear seat belts in cars and on planes. Motorcycle helmets are required in most states. Bottom line, states can mandate all kinds of policies to protect their citizens, so masking or vaccines shouldn't be any different.
Sheepish comment.
Making the thread about Biden and Afghanistan doesn't mean this didn't happen.

Yeah, I know. The truth hurts. Let me ask. If I asked you out of how many thousands of Military members died in Afghanistan how stupid would that sound? Take a guess how stupid you sound asking out of how many hundreds of thousands told people not to vaccinate and died? This thread is not about Biden. It's not about Afghanistan.
Hey dimwit,
You still have to wear seat belts in cars and on planes. Motorcycle helmets are required in most states. Bottom line, states can mandate all kinds of policies to protect their citizens, so masking or vaccines shouldn't be any different.
another small minded dimwit
Only these twits defend Bidens withdrawal of Afghan
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You inject seatbelts into your body? This must be the dumbest comment of the day.
So you don't think you are mandated to put vaccines in your body? No, this is the dumbest comment of the day. Everyone has had vaccine shots in their lives and their kids have too....and they are mandated genius.
So you don't think you are mandated to put vaccines in your body? No, this is the dumbest comment of the day. Everyone has had vaccine shots in their lives and their kids have too....and they are mandated genius.
No one ever has a dumber comment than you dc.
Way to believe a govt has the right to invade your personal body
Wait, it’s simply dc, the ignorant contrarian!
#just when you think he can’t be MORE ignorant
So you don't think you are mandated to put vaccines in your body? No, this is the dumbest comment of the day. Everyone has had vaccine shots in their lives and their kids have too....and they are mandated genius.
Only a few FDA fully approved shots were mandated to go to school, and even then there were exemptions. Until a week ago, no COVID vaccines were fully approved by the FDA. Let that sink in.

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