79th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

Not sure how to reply to this other than to say thank God for our soldiers and the fact that non of them died in vain. Sorry for your loss and can’t imagine. I’ve been to Pearl Harbor and it’s sareal. Just seeing the bubbles come up from the water really puts things into perspective. It’s not for nothing and thank God for people like your cousin. Hard to imagine what the world let alone our country would be like right now with out our brave men and women. Humbling to be quite honest.
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God Bless all of our Fallen Vets and everyone else who died that day at Pearl Harbor. My Cousin Albert Hayden was on board the USS Oklahoma that morning and perished.

sorry to hear about ur loss... He is a true hero..!!

Maybe some of these selfish athletes should learn about the hero’s who have lost their lives protecting this country before they kneel ro the great American flag..

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