A little piss for some of y'all cereal or happiness for your coffee


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2012
Grand risings my CANE brothers and sisters. Just thought I'd share a conversation I had the other night with some politico types. Seems that in 2 years the Georgia Democratic ticket of
Governor Stacy Abrams
Senator Raphael Warnock
Mayor Kesha Lance-Bottoms
Will clean sweep Georgia and further push Georgia into a even deeper shade of blue. I'm sure this pisses some off and makes others smile. Have a blessed day......hopefully this doesnt get reported like the post from the other day....damn snowflakes are relentless 🤣
I wonder if Lance-Bottoms runs for Governor? I'm hoping Ms. Abrams gets a nice national platform with the DNC, love her or hate her, the hard work she has done at the granular level cannot be denied.
I wonder if Lance-Bottoms runs for Governor? I'm hoping Ms. Abrams gets a nice national platform with the DNC, love her or hate her, the hard work she has done at the granular level cannot be denied.

Believe I heard her suggesting she may go for Governor again in 22.
Yeah... well a lot of flipping will be happening because Republicans have hitched thier wagon to a loser. It's sad thier greed for power has lead them here. They simply aren't too be trusted any longer. They have a lot of rebranding to do.
Do you think they'll run as fake centrists or go full pro abortion, pro homo, pro illegal immigration? Obviously empowering to the AA community. What say you mammas boys?
Do you think they'll run as fake centrists or go full pro abortion, pro homo, pro illegal immigration? Obviously empowering to the AA community. What say you mammas boys?
Pro homo = pro gay rights or you using it to mean homogeneous like the lemmings that’s followed Trump off the political cliff flipping GA senatorial candidates blue and giving the WH to a dude that y’all think literally has dementia.
Pro homo = pro gay rights or you using it to mean homogeneous like the lemmings that’s followed Trump off the political cliff flipping GA senatorial candidates blue and giving the WH to a dude that y’all think literally has dementia.

He means it as an epithet against LGBT folks.
Maybe if enough of us complain.

Its funny that someone can have a full on fever dream and get an issue addressed but racists and homophobes can you just say what they want with no recrimination.

Yeah, I'm just not gonna respond anymore.
Pro homo = pro gay rights or you using it to mean homogeneous like the lemmings that’s followed Trump off the political cliff flipping GA senatorial candidates blue and giving the WH to a dude that y’all think literally has dementia.
You know what I mean, you voted for it. Homosexuality and gender "studies" being pushed on children. Do you deny this?
He means it as an epithet against LGBT folks.
No, I don't. I could care less who you have relationships with. But that's not enough anymore, it's pushed on children. You OK with that?
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You know what I mean, you voted for it. Homosexuality and gender "studies" being pushed on children. Do you deny this?
Bruh, the libertarian in me doesn't give a damn what people do behind closed doors and thinks government shouldn't be sticking its nose in bedrooms. If some scientist wanna study the effects of nesting honey moths, the effects of tidal current on red algae or what two folks do with in their bedroom it doesn't impact me. If you are bothered by it fine, but why be a homophobe?
That is the kind of content that should not be permitted to flourish here.
Which part, pushing sexual and gender BS on kids, unchecked abortion to the point of infanticide or allowing illegals to take jobs from young american workers?
Bruh, the libertarian in me doesn't give a damn what people do behind closed doors and thinks government shouldn't be sticking its nose in bedrooms. If some scientist wanna study the effects of nesting honey moths, the effects of tidal current on red algae or what two folks do with in their bedroom it doesn't impact me. If you are bothered by it fine, but why be a homophobe?
I feel the same way, but its more than that now.
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Votes have consequences, these issues seem bigger than the orange man. 3 issues, not even getting into economic or foreign policy. How do you vote for this garbage?
I expected more from you champions of freedom. Calling me racist was the obvious smear, but I still expected more. Although these topics impact all communities, they disproportionately impact AAs. Too much piss and happiness?

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