someone should send this to liar temper tantrum dumper. Didn’t agree with some of what Obama did but what a class act.
Liar, cheater, bone spur disgrace trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Hey look its dumb & dumber.... POS Obama..
He was a phony pos... selling out this country..
👌👌👌👌 did Fox News tell you that. 🙄🙄He was a phony pos... selling out this country..
The only phony is the liar soon to be removed from office. The moron only cares about himself. 100% crybaby fraud. 👍He was a phony pos... selling out this country..
The only phony is the liar soon to be removed from office. The moron only cares about himself. 100% crybaby fraud. 👍