Another Dumb Trump Supporter

Enjoy your vacation with the Mrs. And put that Canesport crack down.
Thanks. Very beautiful here in the Dolores Colorado area. We are very close to where the ancients built their houses into the side of cliffs. Fascinating stuff.
Thanks. Very beautiful here in the Dolores Colorado area. We are very close to where the ancients built their houses into the side of cliffs. Fascinating stuff.

The wife and I are heading to Colorado on Thursday for 9 days.

Is Dolores close to Mesa Verde? My Uncle is a Park Ranger there.
The wife and I are heading to Colorado on Thursday for 9 days.

Is Dolores close to Mesa Verde? My Uncle is a Park Ranger there.
Yes it us. It’s on the way to Telluride.
Check out the sand dunes SW of Pueblo, Looks like you see in the movies. Crazy
Yes it us. It’s on the way to Telluride.
Check out the sand dunes SW of Pueblo, Looks like you see in the movies. Crazy

Yeah, we were thinking of that. So many places to see and we will be all over the state. Well, pretty much anyway. Looking forward to Black Canyon and The Rocky Mount National Park.
The wife and I are heading to Colorado on Thursday for 9 days.

Is Dolores close to Mesa Verde? My Uncle is a Park Ranger there.
Yes. About 25 minutes to Mesa Verde. We didn't go there this time but have been there a few times over the years. Enjoy your trip.
Yes. About 25 minutes to Mesa Verde. We didn't go there this time but have been there a few times over the years. Enjoy your trip.

You too! We went two years ago and had a blast. We aren't doing Mesa Verde this time even though we will be right there.
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I fully fault the airline and I wouldn't want that guy breathing on me either. Nor would I sit in a row like that at this time and finally, how do you know he is a Trump voter? Look like a fat shlub to me.
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You too! We went two years ago and had a blast. We aren't doing Mesa Verde this time even though we will be right there.
Hoping that the weather will be as nice for you like it was for us. We head back to Salt Lake tomorrow morning or else I would say we could meet for dinner or something. Just checked and looks like it may be a bit cooler for you starting Sun. Oh well it beats the 110 degrees that we dealt with the first time we were here with the kids about 15 years ago.
LMAO 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

These people are so dumb.

why are they dumb? Because some people aren’t terrified of a virus that has infected 760 million people worldwide and has a death rate of less than .003%?
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why are they dumb? Because some people aren’t terrified of a virus that has infected 760 million people worldwide and has a death rate of less than .003%?

Its not about being terrified. Its about following basic guidelines to stop the virus from spreading so we can open the economy back up and resume normal life again. We don't need brainwashed crybabies who get into brawls because someone asks them to act like a considerate grown up and wear a mask.
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Looks like a stupid liberal to me. Where does it say anything about Trump or are you misrepresenting the “facts” again? Maybe it’s because people are sick of having to wear masks that don’t actually work.
Masks don't work? Of course they do. Look at the WH. No mask wearing and now it's a cesspool of corona. Fact!!!
Masks don't work? Of course they do. Look at the WH. No mask wearing and now it's a cesspool of corona. Fact!!!
No they don’t, the actual science shows unless you have an N95 mask they don’t really work and in top of that, the clothe masks get saturated with bacteria and cause infections in the lungs. So congrats you’re actually making people sick.
No they don’t, the actual science shows unless you have an N95 mask they don’t really work and in top of that, the clothe masks get saturated with bacteria and cause infections in the lungs. So congrats you’re actually making people sick.
Stop being so dam obtuse.
Masks don't work? Of course they do. Look at the WH. No mask wearing and now it's a cesspool of corona. Fact!!!
The whole country is a cesspool of covid...i guess No one wore have your right to wear them...and the others have the right not too...i don't care if you do or you don't...but to try to hammer someone for not wearing it is just dumb...we live in the United we are free to do as we wish without people being mask keep wearing them and stop putting people down for them exercising their rights
Its not about being terrified. Its about following basic guidelines to stop the virus from spreading so we can open the economy back up and resume normal life again. We don't need brainwashed crybabies who get into brawls because someone asks them to act like a considerate grown up and wear a mask.
Too many ignorant folks following the leader of idiots. Hydroxychloroquine to the rescue
51 more months for you overtly smart intellectually superior Biden voters
LMAO @ you self worth.
Our 74 yr old obese President just showed how NON deadly this disease is to healthy people PERIOD.
There is a 99% or above survival chance for EVERYONE age 70 band under.
Stay in your basement, and watch bumbling biden close down the economy agai
Better yet, watch him raise taxes and increase regulations during a pandemic to jump start the economy.
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Its not about being terrified. Its about following basic guidelines to stop the virus from spreading so we can open the economy back up and resume normal life again. We don't need brainwashed crybabies who get into brawls because someone asks them to act like a considerate grown up and wear a mask.

if about 760 million people worldwide have been infected that would mean we have about 60-70 million infected in the US if not more. Pretty clear, like with most viruses, those “basic guidelines” are ineffective. Also explain this one to me, CDC reporting that about 6500 deaths have poisoning or other accidental means listed as a comorbidity.
if about 760 million people worldwide have been infected that would mean we have about 60-70 million infected in the US if not more. Pretty clear, like with most viruses, those “basic guidelines” are ineffective. Also explain this one to me, CDC reporting that about 6500 deaths have poisoning or other accidental means listed as a comorbidity.

Basic guidelines are effective. Trouble is people aren't following them because Donald Trump and his koolaid drinking posse are telling people to not follow them. Masks being the prime example. Its been estimated that wearing masks will be even more effective than an actual vaccine, and yet look at what Trump has done. Downplayed masks, not had a national strategy in place, and attempted to reopen the economy at the worst time when COVID cases were peaking. Its his fault since he is President.
Basic guidelines are effective. Trouble is people aren't following them because Donald Trump and his koolaid drinking posse are telling people to not follow them. Masks being the prime example. Its been estimated that wearing masks will be even more effective than an actual vaccine, and yet look at what Trump has done. Downplayed masks, not had a national strategy in place, and attempted to reopen the economy at the worst time when COVID cases were peaking. Its his fault since he is President.

says who. You do know there are different views from very competent people on this subject right? The “scientists” at the WHO are saying almost a billion people have gotten this. If that’s true that means at least 60 million Americans have gotten it, That means the lockdowns, masks, etc have been a complete failure. Maybe our scientists should have listened to Sweden which is now back open.
says who. You do know there are different views from very competent people on this subject right? The “scientists” at the WHO are saying almost a billion people have gotten this. If that’s true that means at least 60 million Americans have gotten it, That means the lockdowns, masks, etc have been a complete failure. Maybe our scientists should have listened to Sweden which is now back open.

No there actually aren't "differing views" among the vast majority of scientists and doctors. The only "differing views" are by random pro-Trump doctors who are promoted by him to make it appear as though Doctors are in disagreement about masks. They aren't.
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Basic guidelines are effective. Trouble is people aren't following them because Donald Trump and his koolaid drinking posse are telling people to not follow them. Masks being the prime example. Its been estimated that wearing masks will be even more effective than an actual vaccine, and yet look at what Trump has done. Downplayed masks, not had a national strategy in place, and attempted to reopen the economy at the worst time when COVID cases were peaking. Its his fault since he is President.
Keyword estimated..that is now facts to the fear mongering ppl

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