Another Trump Guy Arrested: Does Trump Even Know Anyone That Isn't a Criminal To Run Anything?


Aug 14, 2007
Roger Stone smfh…….. and the FBI did this one on the house as they aren't being paid at this time.

I know I know this is a witch hunt and the feds have nothing blah blah blah. It just seems to me that everyone Trump knows is a chronic liar and criminal but he has nothing to do with them once they get accused. His only comment is it is a which hunt or the standard lie.

Roger Stone was praised by Trump when he said he wasn't going to "rat". Let's see if he still feels that way after he "rats" for a better sentence.

I can't say he doesn't deserve this. This is what you get when you get in bed with a con man.
Roger Stone smfh…….. and the FBI did this one on the house as they aren't being paid at this time.

I know I know this is a witch hunt and the feds have nothing blah blah blah. It just seems to me that everyone Trump knows is a chronic liar and criminal but he has nothing to do with them once they get accused. His only comment is it is a which hunt or the standard lie.

Roger Stone was praised by Trump when he said he wasn't going to "rat". Let's see if he still feels that way after he "rats" for a better sentence.

I can't say he doesn't deserve this. This is what you get when you get in bed with a con man.
Yep ramble on cd how bad your President Trump is and still nothing no proof. But sense you get on this sight and spew your racist hate all the time why don’t you talk about your high and mighty party that in New York that gave a standing ovation to the killing of little innocent babies then spew your sick lies how mean President Trump is for separating illegal children from parents breaking the law. You and other far left liberals like cems have no credibility at all . What a sick party to kill babies and what dime size balls all have for supporting them. You far left liberals are cowards supporting the killing of nine month old day babies. Care less about your communist racist views but when it comes killing babies everyone should be outraged.
Roger Stone smfh…….. and the FBI did this one on the house as they aren't being paid at this time.

I know I know this is a witch hunt and the feds have nothing blah blah blah. It just seems to me that everyone Trump knows is a chronic liar and criminal but he has nothing to do with them once they get accused. His only comment is it is a which hunt or the standard lie.

Roger Stone was praised by Trump when he said he wasn't going to "rat". Let's see if he still feels that way after he "rats" for a better sentence.

I can't say he doesn't deserve this. This is what you get when you get in bed with a con man.

Another Trump cockroach goes down. God bless our law enforcement and justice communities.

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Roger Stone smfh…….. and the FBI did this one on the house as they aren't being paid at this time.

I know I know this is a witch hunt and the feds have nothing blah blah blah. It just seems to me that everyone Trump knows is a chronic liar and criminal but he has nothing to do with them once they get accused. His only comment is it is a which hunt or the standard lie.

Roger Stone was praised by Trump when he said he wasn't going to "rat". Let's see if he still feels that way after he "rats" for a better sentence.

I can't say he doesn't deserve this. This is what you get when you get in bed with a con man.
Calm yourself down Slappy. He'll be pardoned, if necessary.
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You do know he left Trump's side in August of 2015 right? Trump became President in 2016 right?
You do know he left Trump's side in August of 2015 right? Trump became President in 2016 right?
Was he working for Trump? That makes 6 people that worked for Trump that broke the law in relation to this investigation. Russia and Wikileaks? That's election stuff Trump referenced. Nice try.
CD are you a drug dealer? Are you worried the wall is going to push the price of your product up? Immigrants can still come here as long as they do it lawfully. His intent is to protect us, keep the gang bangers out and slow down the flow of drugs. What part of that do you not like?
CD are you a drug dealer? Are you worried the wall is going to push the price of your product up? Immigrants can still come here as long as they do it lawfully. His intent is to protect us, keep the gang bangers out and slow down the flow of drugs. What part of that do you not like?

Everyone on the planet understands that border walls are a waste of hard earned tax payer money. They haven't returned on investment since the 5th century and to be even moderately effective you would have to spend much closer to 100 Billion dollars.

Both parties are for border security. The democrats (and most republicans) are just for smarter border security. Otherwise that wall would have been done 2 years ago when the republicans had the white house and both chambers of congress. The reason that didn't happen is because republicans don't want a stupid wall. What is it you don't understand about this.

Lastly Trump asked them to agree on a solution to border security and they did. Trump went back on his promise to sign what they agreed to after hearing talk show host say he should go back on his word. This isn't leadership. We need a leader. Not a follower. Not to mention he promised Mexico would pay for the wall...they essentially told him to go f'k himself. What did we learn? The only wall he will see is Nancy Pelosi....and stop grand standing at rallies and lead. He asked for this job. Now do it!

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I need to know your opinion of Nancy Pelosi. Outside of her standing in the way of everything Trump wants do you like her? Do you think she is the good representive for your party?
Everyone on the planet understands that border walls are a waste of hard earned tax payer money. They haven't returned on investment since the 5th century and to be even moderately effective you would have to spend much closer to 100 Billion dollars.

Both parties are for border security. The democrats (and most republicans) are just for smarter border security. Otherwise that wall would have been done 2 years ago when the republicans had the white house and both chambers of congress. The reason that didn't happen is because republicans don't want a stupid wall. What is it you don't understand about this.

Lastly Trump asked them to agree on a solution to border security and they did. Trump went back on his promise to sign what they agreed to after hearing talk show host say he should go back on his word. This isn't leadership. We need a leader. Not a follower. Not to mention he promised Mexico would pay for the wall...they essentially told him to go f'k himself. What did we learn? The only wall he will see is Nancy Pelosi....and stop grand standing at rallies and lead. He asked for this job. Now do it!


Everyone on the Planet except the Border Agents. Of course in your time at the border you probably did an in depth analysis to come to your conclusion. Did you talk to Agents when you were there ?
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Another Trump cockroach goes down. God bless our law enforcement and justice communities.

Yep party of the little baby killers . Your a real man . You two face liberals will not even deny it . What a sick disgusting party . When you look at your children tonight how can you. And you call your President Trump a cockroach. What a gutless party .
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I need to know your opinion of Nancy Pelosi. Outside of her standing in the way of everything Trump wants do you like her? Do you think she is the good representive for your party?
You need to know what? For what? What point are you making? I would take Nancy Pelosi over a Trump 100 out of 100 times. So what?
Everyone on the planet understands that border walls are a waste of hard earned tax payer money. They haven't returned on investment since the 5th century and to be even moderately effective you would have to spend much closer to 100 Billion dollars.

Both parties are for border security. The democrats (and most republicans) are just for smarter border security. Otherwise that wall would have been done 2 years ago when the republicans had the white house and both chambers of congress. The reason that didn't happen is because republicans don't want a stupid wall. What is it you don't understand about this.

Lastly Trump asked them to agree on a solution to border security and they did. Trump went back on his promise to sign what they agreed to after hearing talk show host say he should go back on his word. This isn't leadership. We need a leader. Not a follower. Not to mention he promised Mexico would pay for the wall...they essentially told him to go f'k himself. What did we learn? The only wall he will see is Nancy Pelosi....and stop grand standing at rallies and lead. He asked for this job. Now do it!

“Everyone in the world...”. Really? Why countries are NOW putting up walls faster than EVER before.
Ask Isreal how their wall is working out!
They love it, by the way!
Stop embarrassing yourself , by making shallow, silly statements, to support your mindset cd.
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Yawn, wake us up when someone from trumps campaign is charged with Russian collusion. Getting someone for failing to follow a legal process is weak sauce.
When you're so crooked that even Nixon's estate has to deny involvement with you

“Everyone in the world...”. Really? Why countries are NOW putting up walls faster than EVER before.
Ask Isreal how their wall is working out!
They love it, by the way!
Stop embarrassing yourself , by making shallow, silly statements, to support your mindset cd.
Everyone in the world is a figure of speech.....isreal is not giving visas to the people they are trying to keep out.. We are not Isreal. ….and if I am embarrassing myself why do we not have a wall? This couldn't get through if republicans controlled all three branches like the did the last two years. So stop acting like this is a viable solution. It is not in America and it is one of the very few things both parties agree on. This is a broken campaign promise politicized. Trump is the only person that doesn't understands the border that wants this. Nothing he has claimed he wants to stop enters this country the way he thinks. 90% of illegals happen through expired visas. Most drugs get through by legal ports of entry. MS 13 is an American gang that started in California. So, no I am not embarrassing myself. Trump and his blind ass supporters embarrassed themselves this week though.
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Everyone on the planet is a figure of speech. We are not Isreal. ….and if I am embarrassing myself why do we not have a wall? This couldn't get through if republicans controlled all three branches like the did the last two years. So stop acting like this is a viable solution. It is not in America and it is one of the very few things both parties agree on. This is a broken campaign promise politicized. Trump is the only person that doesn't understands the border that wants this. Nothing he has claimed he wants to stop enters this country the way he thinks. 90% of illegals happen through expired visas. Most drugs get through by legal ports of entry. MS 13 is an American gang that started in California. So, no I am not embarrassing myself. Trump and his blind ass supporters embarrassed themselves this week though.

MS13 traces its origins in the Los Angeles undocumented immigrant community, mainly fron El Salvador. Besides Trump, Border Patrol and ICE agents support wall. I guess when you toured the wall and did your in depth analysis to come to your conclusion that it will not work, you spoke to agents. What did they say ?
If there are Trump supporters that believe border agents want a ridiculous wall read below. This wall is the birther movement. No different. A bunch of immoral, racist American citizen's that found someone to rally behind that is a fool and con man. Because he knows they are full of fear like himself. Anyone that understands the border knows we have natural barriers and terrain for one. Secondly, drugs come in through legal ports of entry number 2. Number three 90% of illegal aliens are here through expired visas number 3. A wall doesn't cost 5.7 Billion to even make a dent. It cost at least 70 Billion number 4. Lastly, you people are following an idiot who told you Mexico will pay for this wall....and you actually believed this idiot con man. Even after their president essentially told him to f'k off. Now he is trying to stick us with the bill. No sir!!!
If there are Trump supporters that believe border agents want a ridiculous wall read below. This wall is the birther movement. No different. A bunch of immoral, racist American citizen's that found someone to rally behind that is a fool and con man. Because he knows they are full of fear like himself. Anyone that understands the border knows we have natural barriers and terrain for one. Secondly, drugs come in through legal ports of entry number 2. Number three 90% of illegal aliens are here through expired visas number 3. A wall doesn't cost 5.7 Billion to even make a dent. It cost at least 70 Billion number 4. Lastly, you people are following an idiot who told you Mexico will pay for this wall....and you actually believed this idiot con man. Even after their president essentially told him to f'k off. Now he is trying to stick us with the bill. No sir!!!

Do you even read the articles you post. This is from article.

Customs and Border Protection officials said Border Patrol agents were asked to identify “gaps” in border security, not to propose solutions. They said that Border Patrol sector chiefs, from San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, have voiced support for a border wall.

“The U.S. Border Patrol has been very clear that a border wall is essential to gaining operational control of the Southwest border,” said Benjamine Huffman, the chief of the Border Patrol’s strategic plan and analysis directorate. “The fact is, when it comes to border security, the border walls system works. Suggestions that the Border Patrol believes otherwise are false.”
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You do realize that he was only arrested for process crimes. It had nothing to do with Russia or Trunp. On page 4 of the indictment it clears trump of any involvement. Keep trying Keks
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Everyone in the world is a figure of speech.....isreal is not giving visas to the people they are trying to keep out.. We are not Isreal. ….and if I am embarrassing myself why do we not have a wall? This couldn't get through if republicans controlled all three branches like the did the last two years. So stop acting like this is a viable solution. It is not in America and it is one of the very few things both parties agree on. This is a broken campaign promise politicized. Trump is the only person that doesn't understands the border that wants this. Nothing he has claimed he wants to stop enters this country the way he thinks. 90% of illegals happen through expired visas. Most drugs get through by legal ports of entry. MS 13 is an American gang that started in California. So, no I am not embarrassing myself. Trump and his blind ass supporters embarrassed themselves this week though.
Isreal is doing exactly what we should be doing. There is no safer country in the world, when it comes to immigration. Trump has dismantled/crippled ms 13, cd!!!!!!!
When Chuckie and Nancy vetoe what they have voted FOR historically, speaks volumnes.
Isreal is doing exactly what we should be doing. There is no safer country in the world, when it comes to immigration. Trump has dismantled/crippled ms 13, cd!!!!!!!
When Chuckie and Nancy vetoe what they have voted FOR historically, speaks volumnes.
Isreal is not the United States. First of all only the President has the power to VETO. So, that is not accurate. Secondly, if this wall had an ounce of credibility in the United States it would have passed over the last two years when republicans had control of all three branches of government. When they lost one of those branches now all of a sudden it is vital? It is a national crisis? Calling bullshit! Again, this isn't Isreal. Republicans know this. Border patrol along the southern US border know this. Democrats know this. Why don't Trump supporters know this fact? Because they want him to keep a campaign promise he had absolutely no business making? Now my tax dollars should pay? Nope!
Isreal is not the United States. First of all only the President has the power to VETO. So, that is not accurate. Secondly, if this wall had an ounce of credibility in the United States it would have passed over the last two years when republicans had control of all three branches of government. When they lost one of those branches now all of a sudden it is vital? It is a national crisis? Calling bullshit! Again, this isn't Isreal. Republicans know this. Border patrol along the southern US border know this. Democrats know this. Why don't Trump supporters know this fact? Because they want him to keep a campaign promise he had absolutely no business making? Now my tax dollars should pay? Nope!
Isreal being mentioned, was a resource to document that “walls work”. Ask Germany about their open door policy, they have admitted they made a horrendous mistake.
Listen, the bottom line for immigrants is to come in LEGALLY, PERIOD!
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Isreal being mentioned, was a resource to document that “walls work”. Ask Germany about their open door policy, they have admitted they made a horrendous mistake.
Listen, the bottom line for immigrants is to come in LEGALLY, PERIOD!
I don't think the democrats are arguing if walls work in general or have never worked. They are arguing if they will work for our purposes in the united states. Studies have been done on this. Don't get caught up in political BS. There are facts here for our purposes. First of all in the United States to use this method it would take not 5.7 Billion. More like 60 Billion. A wall is not viable with our terrain. We don't have the same terrain as Germany or Isreal. This isn't my opinion by the way. These are facts. We have mountains and rivers as terrain. We can't put a wall in these places......not to mention it wouldn't stop illegals. Illegals are here because of expired visas.90% again not my opinion. This is a fact! Drugs come in through ports of entry and tunnels. This is just a political promise people are trying to save face. It isn't feasible and was never feasible that we would build this wall and Mexico would pay for it. People are just pissed that they bought into this bullshit.
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I don't think the democrats are arguing if walls work in general or have never worked. They are arguing if they will work for our purposes in the united states. Studies have been done on this. Don't get caught up in political BS. There are facts here for our purposes. First of all in the United States to use this method it would take not 5.7 Billion. More like 60 Billion. A wall is not viable with our terrain. We don't have the same terrain as Germany or Isreal. This isn't my opinion by the way. These are facts. We have mountains and rivers as terrain. We can't put a wall in these places......not to mention it wouldn't stop illegals. Illegals are here because of expired visas.90% again not my opinion. This is a fact! Drugs come in through ports of entry and tunnels. This is just a political promise people are trying to save face. It isn't feasible and was never feasible that we would build this wall and Mexico would pay for it. People are just pissed that they bought into this bullshit.
Hillary lost the election, move on!
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I don't think the democrats are arguing if walls work in general or have never worked. They are arguing if they will work for our purposes in the united states. Studies have been done on this. Don't get caught up in political BS. There are facts here for our purposes. First of all in the United States to use this method it would take not 5.7 Billion. More like 60 Billion. A wall is not viable with our terrain. We don't have the same terrain as Germany or Isreal. This isn't my opinion by the way. These are facts. We have mountains and rivers as terrain. We can't put a wall in these places......not to mention it wouldn't stop illegals. Illegals are here because of expired visas.90% again not my opinion. This is a fact! Drugs come in through ports of entry and tunnels. This is just a political promise people are trying to save face. It isn't feasible and was never feasible that we would build this wall and Mexico would pay for it. People are just pissed that they bought into this bullshit.

You obviously just make shit up. How about spending two minutes to actually look something up from open source material before you spout off stupidity. Show one study that says 90% are from visa overstays.
People know you are. Full of ahit just looking at the caravan. So according to your theory- for a 12k person caravan, there were 90k visa overstays. You must normally argue with a bunch of sixth graders who buy your moronic statements.
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I don't think the democrats are arguing if walls work in general or have never worked. They are arguing if they will work for our purposes in the united states. Studies have been done on this. Don't get caught up in political BS. There are facts here for our purposes. First of all in the United States to use this method it would take not 5.7 Billion. More like 60 Billion. A wall is not viable with our terrain. We don't have the same terrain as Germany or Isreal. This isn't my opinion by the way. These are facts. We have mountains and rivers as terrain. We can't put a wall in these places......not to mention it wouldn't stop illegals. Illegals are here because of expired visas.90% again not my opinion. This is a fact! Drugs come in through ports of entry and tunnels. This is just a political promise people are trying to save face. It isn't feasible and was never feasible that we would build this wall and Mexico would pay for it. People are just pissed that they bought into this bullshit.

History is replete with demagogues who fabricate threats to exploit the fears of their constituents for political gain. This is evidenced by the fact that the so called Caravan was national security emergency in the lead up to the mid terms. After the mid terms, Trump barely mentions it any more, which goes to show it was a made up face to animate his base to the polls.