And let me preface this by saying, I am in no way shape or form, (homophobic, racist...lil’ prejudice sometimes, most certainly, like ALL us humans are from time-to-time...but outright racist, never, and I’m definitely not misogynistic...a lil’ old fashioned and chauvinistic in some of my thought processes, sure I am...but misogynistic, naw man, that’ll be a Hard NO)! But I gotta agree with the author of this op-Ed as it pertains to all the hoopla surrounding the (Vandy) “first female to play in a Power-5 game” thing....These excerpts from his article says perfectly what I AM CERTAIN many men...and prolley some logicall-infused women are saying whilst rolling their collective eyes...and yes I have a teenage daughter who’s a very strong-minded, confident, ol’ school original (non-man-hating/blaming) feminist, just like her mom. And her and her friends (two of who are pretty good athletes themselves), were all like...”Really, the ball only went like (25) yds., why is this chick suddenly Hall of Fame material.” excerpts/article that this dude and his editor weren’t afraid to/had the man-balls to run...kudos to them for not being afraid BTW....I’m sure they’ll (the Unicorn-Ridin’ Social Justice Warriors), will be protesting their website wit:
”This circus needs to end. It’s one thing to talk about how cool it is for Fuller to be the first woman to ever play in a Power Five game, but let’s stop with this nonsense..
She kicked the ball 30 yards, Vanderbilt lost 41-0 and she had literally no impact on the game. At some point, we have to wake up and face reality.”
“At some point, we have to admit that we’re honestly insulting female athletes by pretending what Fuller did was spectacular.
There are some unreal female athletes out there and nobody really talks about them. Yet Fuller kicks a ball 30 yards and she’s headed straight to the hall of fame.”
”The craziest part about this situation is that Fuller addressed the team at halftime and criticized their attitude!
Imagine your KICKER!!! who is being used for nothing more than a PR stunt, getting up and ripping the team.”
***Ok fellas, agree with this post or country, but one thing fo sho that I (and any of you guys who laced them up, especially on the gridiron can reconcile with this point), gotta agree on, can you imagine being in the midst of a tough year, record wise, and still busting your asses every day in practice, playing hurt, sore as fcuk, barely making it through painful ass rehab all week just to be able to go to war with your blood brothers every Saturday, to empty-ass stadiums no less. And here comes this chick, who’s only joined the team as a aforementioned publicity stunt, as a KICKER no less, not having to navigate grueling Fall/Spring/Summer Camps, no weight room drills, under her belt...and yes, our Kickers/Punters had to do all that shit, and they wanted to BTW, to earn our respect and brotherhood. And she’s calling all of US out at halftime, lookit man, I am not uncertain, but THAT shit, no way in happy-hell that woulda went over well in any locker-room I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of being part of...sayin!***
”This circus needs to end. It’s one thing to talk about how cool it is for Fuller to be the first woman to ever play in a Power Five game, but let’s stop with this nonsense..
She kicked the ball 30 yards, Vanderbilt lost 41-0 and she had literally no impact on the game. At some point, we have to wake up and face reality.”
“At some point, we have to admit that we’re honestly insulting female athletes by pretending what Fuller did was spectacular.
There are some unreal female athletes out there and nobody really talks about them. Yet Fuller kicks a ball 30 yards and she’s headed straight to the hall of fame.”
”The craziest part about this situation is that Fuller addressed the team at halftime and criticized their attitude!
Imagine your KICKER!!! who is being used for nothing more than a PR stunt, getting up and ripping the team.”
***Ok fellas, agree with this post or country, but one thing fo sho that I (and any of you guys who laced them up, especially on the gridiron can reconcile with this point), gotta agree on, can you imagine being in the midst of a tough year, record wise, and still busting your asses every day in practice, playing hurt, sore as fcuk, barely making it through painful ass rehab all week just to be able to go to war with your blood brothers every Saturday, to empty-ass stadiums no less. And here comes this chick, who’s only joined the team as a aforementioned publicity stunt, as a KICKER no less, not having to navigate grueling Fall/Spring/Summer Camps, no weight room drills, under her belt...and yes, our Kickers/Punters had to do all that shit, and they wanted to BTW, to earn our respect and brotherhood. And she’s calling all of US out at halftime, lookit man, I am not uncertain, but THAT shit, no way in happy-hell that woulda went over well in any locker-room I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of being part of...sayin!***

Sarah Fuller Named The SEC Special Teams Player Of The Week After Kicking The Ball 30 Yards
Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller has received a huge honor from the SEC. She was named the SEC Special Teams Player Of The Week.

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