As it pertains to this whole (Sarah Fuller)...Earth Shattering, Historic...”Milestone”..


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2006
And let me preface this by saying, I am in no way shape or form, (homophobic, racist...lil’ prejudice sometimes, most certainly, like ALL us humans are from time-to-time...but outright racist, never, and I’m definitely not misogynistic...a lil’ old fashioned and chauvinistic in some of my thought processes, sure I am...but misogynistic, naw man, that’ll be a Hard NO)! But I gotta agree with the author of this op-Ed as it pertains to all the hoopla surrounding the (Vandy) “first female to play in a Power-5 game” thing....These excerpts from his article says perfectly what I AM CERTAIN many men...and prolley some logicall-infused women are saying whilst rolling their collective eyes...and yes I have a teenage daughter who’s a very strong-minded, confident, ol’ school original (non-man-hating/blaming) feminist, just like her mom. And her and her friends (two of who are pretty good athletes themselves), were all like...”Really, the ball only went like (25) yds., why is this chick suddenly Hall of Fame material.” excerpts/article that this dude and his editor weren’t afraid to/had the man-balls to run...kudos to them for not being afraid BTW....I’m sure they’ll (the Unicorn-Ridin’ Social Justice Warriors), will be protesting their website wit:

”This circus needs to end. It’s one thing to talk about how cool it is for Fuller to be the first woman to ever play in a Power Five game, but let’s stop with this nonsense..
She kicked the ball 30 yards, Vanderbilt lost 41-0 and she had literally no impact on the game. At some point, we have to wake up and face reality.”

At some point, we have to admit that we’re honestly insulting female athletes by pretending what Fuller did was spectacular.
There are some unreal female athletes out there and nobody really talks about them. Yet Fuller kicks a ball 30 yards and she’s headed straight to the hall of fame.”

The craziest part about this situation is that Fuller addressed the team at halftime and criticized their attitude!
Imagine your KICKER!!! who is being used for nothing more than a PR stunt, getting up and ripping the team.”

***Ok fellas, agree with this post or country, but one thing fo sho that I (and any of you guys who laced them up, especially on the gridiron can reconcile with this point), gotta agree on, can you imagine being in the midst of a tough year, record wise, and still busting your asses every day in practice, playing hurt, sore as fcuk, barely making it through painful ass rehab all week just to be able to go to war with your blood brothers every Saturday, to empty-ass stadiums no less. And here comes this chick, who’s only joined the team as a aforementioned publicity stunt, as a KICKER no less, not having to navigate grueling Fall/Spring/Summer Camps, no weight room drills, under her belt...and yes, our Kickers/Punters had to do all that shit, and they wanted to BTW, to earn our respect and brotherhood. And she’s calling all of US out at halftime, lookit man, I am not uncertain, but THAT shit, no way in happy-hell that woulda went over well in any locker-room I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of being part of...sayin!***

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Agree completely. Total PR move. Like they couldn’t find a wideout that could’ve squibbed it. Now she’s the SEC STs player of the week? GTFOOH. An equip manager could’ve done what she did. If she kicked it out of the end zone, I would change my tune. But it was a staged PR move by a cellar dweller whose coach got terminated after losing the same game she played it.
Agree completely. Total PR move. Like they couldn’t find a wideout that could’ve squibbed it. Now she’s the SEC STs player of the week? GTFOOH. An equip manager could’ve done what she did. If she kicked it out of the end zone, I would change my tune. But it was a staged PR move by a cellar dweller whose coach got terminated after losing the same game she played it.
Embarrassing, at best...then dude gets fired!
If she is the best kicker they got she should play regardless of if she is a female or not. Nobody should care. It isn't like this is going to happen very often or at a position other than kicker to begin with.
And let me preface this by saying, I am in no way shape or form, (homophobic, racist...lil’ prejudice sometimes, most certainly, like ALL us humans are from time-to-time...but outright racist, never, and I’m definitely not misogynistic...a lil’ old fashioned and chauvinistic in some of my thought processes, sure I am...but misogynistic, naw man, that’ll be a Hard NO)! But I gotta agree with the author of this op-Ed as it pertains to all the hoopla surrounding the (Vandy) “first female to play in a Power-5 game” thing....These excerpts from his article says perfectly what I AM CERTAIN many men...and prolley some logicall-infused women are saying whilst rolling their collective eyes...and yes I have a teenage daughter who’s a very strong-minded, confident, ol’ school original (non-man-hating/blaming) feminist, just like her mom. And her and her friends (two of who are pretty good athletes themselves), were all like...”Really, the ball only went like (25) yds., why is this chick suddenly Hall of Fame material.” excerpts/article that this dude and his editor weren’t afraid to/had the man-balls to run...kudos to them for not being afraid BTW....I’m sure they’ll (the Unicorn-Ridin’ Social Justice Warriors), will be protesting their website wit:

”This circus needs to end. It’s one thing to talk about how cool it is for Fuller to be the first woman to ever play in a Power Five game, but let’s stop with this nonsense..
She kicked the ball 30 yards, Vanderbilt lost 41-0 and she had literally no impact on the game. At some point, we have to wake up and face reality.”

At some point, we have to admit that we’re honestly insulting female athletes by pretending what Fuller did was spectacular.
There are some unreal female athletes out there and nobody really talks about them. Yet Fuller kicks a ball 30 yards and she’s headed straight to the hall of fame.”

The craziest part about this situation is that Fuller addressed the team at halftime and criticized their attitude!
Imagine your KICKER!!! who is being used for nothing more than a PR stunt, getting up and 1 ripping the team.”

***Ok fellas, agree with this post or country, but one thing fo sho that I (and any of you guys who laced them up, especially on the gridiron can reconcile with this point), gotta agree on, can you imagine being in the midst of a tough year, record wise, and still busting your asses every day in practice, playing hurt, sore as fcuk, barely making it through painful ass rehab all week just to be able to go to war with your blood brothers every Saturday, to empty-ass stadiums no less. And here comes this chick, who’s only joined the team as a aforementioned publicity stunt, as a KICKER no less, not having to navigate grueling Fall/Spring/Summer Camps, no weight room drills, under her belt...and yes, our Kickers/Punters had to do all that shit, and they wanted to BTW, to earn our respect and brotherhood. And she’s calling all of US out at halftime, lookit man, I am not uncertain, but THAT shit, no way in happy-hell that woulda went over well in any locker-room I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of being part of...sayin!***

Basically they trotted a chick out there who damn near missed the ball & then celebrated her for it. I mean if that wasn’t insulting, pandering & irresponsible game management I don’t what is. It’s almost as if they just wanted to take that spectacle of a horrible football team & distract everyone from how bad they suck! If I were the AD I would fired the head coach for pulling that stunt. Oh wait... lol

Did I mention I can’t stand pandering?
I will defer to Pat McAfee on this one, if you don’t listen to his weekly show your missing out. From a strictly kicking point was it a great kick no, but did she kick it out of bounds, no, was it returned fora TD, no. The she essentially did her job. As far as any kicker speaking at halftime, male or female, to quote Pat don’t do that just shut the F*** up.

iwill defend her a little. She is the goalkeeper on the SEC champion soccer team. Goal keepers are a little off to start with. Her speech was getting on the team for not having the energy it needed. Coming from a very successful program that was probably really easy for her to spot. Vandy football obviously has its problems, but it is inno way her place to call them out on it.
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As someone with a 10 year old daughter, here is my issue with it

she is not a talented kicker and shouldn’t have been out there, yet she is being praised. Why is a women being praised for being a shit kicker simply because she is a female? I don’t praise my daughter when she performs poorly, I help her improve. This shit sends a terrible message to girls IMHO. Praise this women for her ability as a soccer goalie, but to pretend she should be praised for that shitty kick is just as bad as pretending Bruce Jenner should be praised for having a mental disorder
I thought she did more harm than good for women who aspire to be looked at favorably as being equal to men as kickers... I have no problem with a woman kicking in a P5 game, but she at least needs to be pretty good at kicking.
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The kicker for me, no pun intended, is the fact she had the balls(sorry I couldn’t resist) to address the team at halftime about their attitude.
She gave a good speech. She's a national champion in her sport. You don't need to be a man to know what a winning attitude looks like.
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Look, if she goes out there and drills one to the end zone or makes a FG, even an extra point, Great job, that is showing you belong, but to come out there and kick the ball less then half as far as any kicker, realistically about as bad as almost anyone that isnt an unathletic moron and not even stay on the field long enough for the play to be over. It just shows you don’t belong....

the fact that that was the performance of an elite college level female performing at or nearly at her specialty Totally invalidates that she is good enough to play with the boys....
Great next will be a woman relief pitcher being the player of the week for almost making it to home plate. Talk to me when a woman makes a 50-yard field goal or even a 30 yarder under pressure. But, special teams player of the weak for a way under par kick is plain ridiculous and so is lecturing the team for their attitude.
This forum really does expose how stupid and prejudiced some are. She just inspired a little girl somewhere to keep going and not give up. No harm no foul. Some of y'all have to be thoroughly disgusted with your lives to even care enough to disparage her. Smdh
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This forum really does expose how stupid and prejudiced some are. She just inspired a little girl somewhere to keep going and not give up. No harm no foul. Some of y'all have to be thoroughly disgusted with your lives to even care enough to disparage her. Smdh
What exactly did she inspire a little girl to do exactly? What is the message we should be teaching?
Show up for a sport you are ill equipped to play, perform at a subpar level, alienate and scold your teammates publicly in your first game and earn praise for your effort?
that is not equality, that is not achievement it is bullshit

I Have a daughter, she is an athlete at a level that may or may not allow her to compete at the collegiate level. There are plenty of athletes and other woman which inspire my daugther, that provide solid roll models. That sh!t show was nothing....
If she is the best kicker they got she should play regardless of if she is a female or not. Nobody should care. It isn't like this is going to happen very often or at a position other than kicker to begin with.
Not the point dude, Vandy was complete and complicit in a disingenuous tactic, by stating..."This was our only...ONLY!!!...option." That's an outright friggin' lie, especially coming from such a well-respected leading academic institution of higher-learning...that type of shenanigan is well below them. I expect this type of utter-buffoonery form places like (The GhayTurds, The SemenHoles, or The ButtEyes). I'm thinking many of their esteemed alums are completely embarrassed by the whole debacle...but that's just moi.
As someone with a 10 year old daughter, here is my issue with it

she is not a talented kicker and shouldn’t have been out there, yet she is being praised. Why is a women being praised for being a shit kicker simply because she is a female? I don’t praise my daughter when she performs poorly, I help her improve. This shit sends a terrible message to girls IMHO. Praise this women for her ability as a soccer goalie, but to pretend she should be praised for that shitty kick is just as bad as pretending Bruce Jenner should be praised for having a mental disorder
Excellent point kid...and like I referenced in my teenage daughter and her crew were a lil' embarrassed and laughing at this crap and calling everyone involved out, all of them...her, Vandy staff/AD, the media suck-ups that disingenuously pretended that this was some earth-shattering milestones and refused to keep shit One-Hunnit for fear of being called chauvinistic/misogynistic, whilst making it seem like she just discovered the vaccine for CoVid-19. Bille Jean King even had the stones...pun tweet, some crapola like...."Girls belong in the game."...They sure friggin do....let them join a team, go through all the drills and practices, beat out all the other players (be anywhere from 1-4 on the depth chart) at whatever position...then God Bless em', they would deserve to be on the team...And yes I know many teams have Walkons that are below (4th) string, and will never set foot on the gridiron in an actual game. But why would anyone who's trying to accomplish a great milestone, simply want to, and would be satisfied with, just being on the team...and that's with having COMPLETED ALL the Spring/Summer/Fall drills with no caveats....but not really be part of the team?
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Not the point dude, Vandy was complete and complicit in a disingenuous tactic, by stating..."This was our only...ONLY!!!...option." That's an outright friggin' lie, especially coming from such a well-respected leading academic institution of higher-learning...that type of shenanigan is well below them. I expect this type of utter-buffoonery form places like (The GhayTurds, The SemenHoles, or The ButtEyes). I'm thinking many of their esteemed alums are completely embarrassed by the whole debacle...but that's just moi.

Vandy sucks real bad man. They are trying to generate any form of positive press they can find. Being the first to play a female on the football field was probably all they could find, although it is embarrassing. College coaches are in the business of winning games so just about any other program will never do this. We are talking about 0-8 Vandy man.
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What exactly did she inspire a little girl to do exactly? What is the message we should be teaching?
Show up for a sport you are ill equipped to play, perform at a subpar level, alienate and scold your teammates publicly in your first game and earn praise for your effort?
that is not equality, that is not achievement it is bullshit

I Have a daughter, she is an athlete at a level that may or may not allow her to compete at the collegiate level. There are plenty of athletes and other woman which inspire my daugther, that provide solid roll models. That sh!t show was nothing....

You people are stupid as hell. You actually believe your daughter is the only little girl in the world? The egos you POS have. It doesn't matter if you like it or not that moment will give a little girl hope someday, somewhere and will inspire her to keep going. I don't do participation trophies and I'm not a overly sentimental person. But to find that as a negative thing is beyond me.
She gave a good speech. She's a national champion in her sport. You don't need to be a man to know what a winning attitude looks like.
True, but she has not been a member of this team but for about a week and she is still just a kicker... You have to earn the right to lead.
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You people are stupid as hell. You actually believe your daughter is the only little girl in the world? The egos you POS have. It doesn't matter if you like it or not that moment will give a little girl hope someday, somewhere and will inspire her to keep going. I don't do participation trophies and I'm not a overly sentimental person. But to find that as a negative thing is beyond me.
There we go name calling, nothing says I can’t argue my point better then having to resort to name calling....

look I am not against woman playing football or any sport. If they are good enough to play let them play. But if they want to be treated as equals then treat them and their performance /achievements as equals

if you or I or anyone else shows up and kicks the ball the way she did, there is no way that you see the field. She kicked the ball about half as far as an average to below average kicker, and we celebrated it... that Is a participation trophy to the nth degree.
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There we go name calling, nothing says I can’t argue my point better then having to resort to name calling....

look I am not against woman playing football or any sport. If they are good enough to play let them play. But if they want to be treated as equals then treat them and their performance /achievements as equals

if you or I or anyone else shows up and kicks the ball the way she did, there is no way that you see the field. She kicked the ball about half as far as an average to below average kicker, and we celebrated it... that Is a participation trophy to the nth degree.

My apologies for name calling. I got 8 sisters and 40-50 nieces I got heated when I shouldn't have. My point was and is her kicking in that game will inspire some little girl to keep fighting when she would've gave up. If you or anyone else can balance it to where the negative outweighs the positives God bless. Again I apologize for my words earlier.
You people are stupid as hell. You actually believe your daughter is the only little girl in the world? The egos you POS have. It doesn't matter if you like it or not that moment will give a little girl hope someday, somewhere and will inspire her to keep going. I don't do participation trophies and I'm not a overly sentimental person. But to find that as a negative thing is beyond me.
lol...ummmmm ok, let us play your little game...Mise en Scene is as follows....So I (a minority Blackfella), is the first Blackfella to get into an IVY League school...let us say Yale...with a (2.0) GPA, due to a one-of-a-kind special, "Non-qualifying GPA" quota, but I stay for only one semester and take only (3) Recreational courses...Historic Milestone?...Worthy of all the Sarah Fuller hoopla!
She gave a good speech. She's a national champion in her sport. You don't need to be a man to know what a winning attitude looks like.
Dude, the point is, in a lockerroom...especially football...having the stones/being allowed to give a halftime speech, is in no way an automatic right, but more so a privilege bestowed on only the team captains/bonafide starters, or the badest dude/s on the team, ones that you can't yell this to..."Dude, shut the fcuk up and sit down!" Cause before you even finish the sentence, they'll be whuppin' your ass like if they just found you bangin' their Mom. Like the (3rd-4th) string Slot WR, can't get up there and wax poetically...Dudes be like..."Dude, shut the fcuk up and sit down, you on the Practice Squad and will never see the field on game-day...So just the very idea of this chick having the audacity to even formulate that thought in her mind...sheeeeet, I was a team captain my senior year and I had to think twice before getting up there at halftime...and I was an AP All-American (2nd Team FCS), with only one other player ranked higher than me, team hierarchy, who was (1st Team AP)...sayin'...humble brag, but only for context as it pertains to this discussion.
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Dude, the point is, in a lockerroom...especially football...having the stones/being allowed to give a halftime speech, is in no way an automatic right, but more so a privilege bestowed on only the team captains/bonafide starters, or the badest dude/s on the team, ones that you can't yell this to..."Dude, shut the fcuk up and sit down!" Cause before you even finish the sentence, they'll be whuppin' your ass like if they just found you bangin' their Mom. Like the (3rd-4th) string Slot WR, can't get up there and wax poetically...Dudes be like..."Dude, shut the fcuk up and sit down, you on the Practice Squad and will never see the field on game-day...So just the very idea of this chick having the audacity to even formulate that thought in her mind...sheeeeet, I was a team captain my senior year and I had to think twice before getting up there at halftime...and I was an AP All-American (2nd Team FCS), with only one other player ranked higher than me, team hierarchy, who was (1st Team AP)...sayin'...humble brag, but only for context as it pertains to this discussion.
It's a 0-8 Vanderbilt team. They haven't earned anything. They deserve to get lectured by a winner in something.
My apologies for name calling. I got 8 sisters and 40-50 nieces I got heated when I shouldn't have. My point was and is her kicking in that game will inspire some little girl to keep fighting when she would've gave up. If you or anyone else can balance it to where the negative outweighs the positives God bless. Again I apologize for my words earlier.
Naw no need to apologize...we are all stupidly-stupid, and a bunch of POS'...gloriously so...mattter-o-fact, this quote, fits us all, to a man.

"Imagine how moronically-stupid the average person is, then factor in that half the population, is dummer than that."

Yup, we cohabitate in that other half...
lol...ummmmm ok, let us play your little game...Mise en Scene is as follows....So I (a minority Blackfella), is the first Blackfella to get into an IVY League school...let us say Yale...with a (2.0) GPA, due to a one-of-a-kind special, "Non-qualifying GPA" quota, but I stay for only one semester and take only (3) Recreational courses...Historic Milestone?...Worthy of all the Sarah Fuller hoopla!

Once again you're showing how stupid you are. This isn't about equality and I never said it was. I said she will give some little girls hope to be better and not give up. No where did I say it was about equality. Your Klan sheet is showing, go run along little man.
Naw no need to apologize...we are all stupidly-stupid, and a bunch of POS'...gloriously so...mattter-o-fact, this quote, fits us all, to a man.

"Imagine how moronically-stupid the average person is, then factor in that half the population, is dummer than that."

Yup, we cohabitate in that other half...

Yes you're definitely stupid. But you give a mean blow job or so I've heard.
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It's a 0-8 Vanderbilt team. They haven't earned anything. They deserve to get lectured by a winner in something.
Alright brah....but just the fact that they (the players), even afforded her that privilege...well that tells me all I want to know about the men on that team and their mental makeup. Say what you want about me as it pertains to this next comment...but I know for a fact, we/most of the boys I suited up with, But as soon as she started her tirade/speech woulda
promptly walked right ouuta that lockerroom once she stood up and started her Lil'..." Let's all cheer more and show some sideline enthusiasm." speech...And yes...Hell yes...all unapologetically-Cro-Magnon, still got my Mancard like...Just keepin' Shit One Hunnit
Once again you're showing how stupid you are. This isn't about equality and I never said it was. I said she will give some little girls hope to be better and not give up. No where did I say it was about equality. Your Klan sheet is showing, go run along little man.
Black Klansman to you, my dear Sir!
Alright brah....but just the fact that they (the players), even afforded her that privilege...well that tells me all I want to know about the men on that team and their mental makeup. Say what you want about me as it pertains to this next comment...but I know for a fact, we/most of the boys I suited up with, But as soon as she started her tirade/speech woulda
promptly walked right ouuta that lockerroom once she stood up and started her Lil'..." Let's all cheer more and show some sideline enthusiasm." speech...And yes...Hell yes...all unapologetically-Cro-Magnon, still got my Mancard like...Just keepin' Shit One Hunnit
Your masculinity is very fragile.
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Your masculinity is very fragile.
Prolley...I mean, I already self-deprecating,y admitted to being a lil' ol' school chauvinistic...can't get more honest and self-reflective than that. I mean, just look at my newly updated Profile Pic...and that replaced my original one of the "King of the White Walkers"...both masculine as fcuk entities ...sayin
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