At least one Democrat might not be a Pelosi, Shumer, Biden puppet

The only Dem with common sense and American values… I’m still on the fence with Sinema ..
I'm still not sold on Manchin, but at least there is hope. I think Manchin is smart enough to know if he votes against the will of West Virginia citizens's he would not be relected in 2024, if not recalled before.
If the Republican's were smart they would point out to citizens of 48 states that their representatives are really just surrogates for New York (Shumer) and California(Pelosi). But equally corrupt Mitch McConnell will not have the courage to state the obvious.
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I'm still not sold on Manchin, but at least there is hope. I think Manchin is smart enough to know if he votes against the will of West Virginia citizens's he would not be relected in 2024, if not recalled before.
If the Republican's were smart they would point out to citizens of 48 states that their representatives are really just surrogates for New York (Shumer) and California(Pelosi). But equally corrupt Mitch McConnell will not have the courage to state the obvious.
If we are being honest, Mitch McConnell is the only Republican to play the liberal’s corrupt game by their corrupt rules. Other Republicans keep getting runover playing nicely, and as we saw in 2016, they owned congress and the Oval Office and couldn’t push their agenda. It’s a new era with new rules.
If we are being honest, Mitch McConnell is the only Republican to play the liberal’s corrupt game by their corrupt rules. Other Republicans keep getting runover playing nicely, and as we saw in 2016, they owned congress and the Oval Office and couldn’t push their agenda. It’s a new era with new rules.
McConnell completely 'screwed the pooch" for the second Covid relief bill. It cost the Republican's the Senate and taxpayers $1.5T and still counting, will probably end up costing over $5T. Pelosi and Shumer made him look silly. It is time for him to retire. - prior to the 2022's.
McConnell completely 'screwed the pooch" for the second Covid relief bill. It cost the Republican's the Senate and taxpayers $1.5T and still counting, will probably end up costing over $5T. Pelosi and Shumer made him look silly. It is time for him to retire. - prior to the 2022's.
Bingo! Winner!
Grow's politics. They are all puppets. You don't think republican follow a puppet master? Wake up!

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