Beautiful TV AD Just Beautiful!

Russia, Russia,Russia, everyone will see through this hoax except for the Dens...

This will do nothing except bring more to the right...

That's what I'm seeing too. This is such a blatant and obvious hit job by the media. Anyone with a brain knows this. The MSM may as well be a part of the democratic party. They are desperate at this point and will do or say anything. Real journalism has been dead in this country for quite some time.
For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.
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This is just how disgusting liberals are. They run with a lie on something that supposedly was said two years ago. They turn a blind eye on Marxist racist BLM and ANTIFA. They turn a blind eye on looting and riots. For weeks they call for no police in the shit hole inner city’s . Biden is dropping like a rock. So little cd and others believe the Democratic Party when they say they love the military. They love police. They are against BLM and ANTIFA looting and rioting . They are no longer communist globalist. They have become capitalist. They no longer are for China and other foreign leaders that paid Hunter Biden off. They No longer hate America first. Incredible how President Trump has won over these liberals with his policies.
For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.
Show the proof he said these things two years ago. You can not . So sad you accept guilt on say so. So if someone here’s Raoul2 stole money from his local store and other merchandise two years ago . It came from a very good source that is very reliable. Yep Raoul2 should then be labeled guilty as charged on the basis of here say from a source on something that Happened two years ago. Yep nothing but brilliance.
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For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.

Thanks, Dr Phil.
For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.

Bolton who wrote a book and is not a trump fan say’s ...BS... Kelly his old chief of staff has not said anything..

These are desperate acts to derail Trumps bid for re-election..

Trump up 52% Approval , Rasmussen Poll
Desperate acts, Biden is on a down ward spiral...
For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.
It's who they are too. That's the problem here. It was confirmed he said these things by the Associated Press, Washington Post, and even Fox News. This dude is a PoS and no good person is interested in his crap. Hell, he has said some of this stuff being reported publicly about John McCain and other gold star families and these people are acting shocked. How could this be true? GTFOOH!!! He has said most of these things publicly about generals and war heros.

I didn't vote for John McCain. I voted for Obama but he is still the only one of these hyenas I respected at least.
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It's who they are too. That's the problem here. It was confirmed he said these things by the Associated Press, Washington Post, and even Fox News. This dude is a PoS and no good person is interested in his crap. Hell, he has said some of this stuff being reported publicly about John McCain and other gold star families and these people are acting shocked. How could this be true? GTFOOH!!! He has said most of these things publicly about generals and war heros.

I didn't vote for John McCain. I voted for Obama but he is still the only one of these hyenas I respected at least.

Its no surprise our resident bottomfeeders are trying to pretend he didn’t say it, since even they, by their own bootlicking standards, can’t defend it.
Its no surprise our resident bottomfeeders are trying to pretend he didn’t say it, since even they, by their own bootlicking standards, can’t defend it.

You do realize you are agreeing with CD and your thoughts and minds are working in unison. If that doesnt tell you you're should at least scare you.
Bolton who wrote a book and is not a trump fan say’s ...BS... Kelly his old chief of staff has not said anything..

These are desperate acts to derail Trumps bid for re-election..

Trump up 52% Approval , Rasmussen Poll
Desperate acts, Biden is on a down ward spiral...
I believe Joe Scarborough on MSNBC said it was B.S.!
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Well I am about done with the bantering we have all done here. You will not change how I feel about this country and I will not change how you feel. The back and forth does nothing but divide us even more. How this plays out either way is not gonna be pretty.

Trump win
1. China tensions rise
2. Racism manufactured by democrats gets worse
3. Democrat run cities suffer more
4. The battle with Google, Facebook, Amazon, Universities, Schools will weigh on the economy
5. National debt continues to skyrocket
6. Civil War

Biden win
1. Socialism slowly works into our country at a level never seen
2. China takes jobs and gets back on track of becoming the superpower
3. Military will be weakened to point China can pounce
4. Recession and stock market crash
5. Blacks will be forced to stay on the plantation
6. National debt can blame Trump and democrats create more plantations
7. Civil War

I just watched Bagger Vance again. Great movie if you havent seen it.

God Bless
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Well I am about done with the bantering we have all done here. You will not change how I feel about this country and I will not change how you feel. The back and forth does nothing but divide us even more. How this plays out either way is not gonna be pretty.

Trump win
1. China tensions rise
2. Racism manufactured by democrats gets worse
3. Democrat run cities suffer more
4. The battle with Google, Facebook, Amazon, Universities, Schools will weigh on the economy
5. National debt continues to skyrocket
6. Civil War

Biden win
1. Socialism slowly works into our country at a level never seen
2. China takes jobs and gets back on track of becoming the superpower
3. Military will be weakened to point China can pounce
4. Recession and stock market crash
5. Blacks will be forced to stay on the plantation
6. National debt can blame Trump and democrats create more plantations
7. Civil War

I just watched Bagger Vance again. Great movie if you havent seen it.

God Bless

1. I just posted a video. That is all I did.

2. I am fairly confident that you do not know what socialism is....or you not have made such an off base comment
America is not going to be socialist and if you know our government and what socialism is you would understand that.

3. Recession? I find it hilarious you don't understand that happens under republican leadership. Not any democratic leadership.

4. Your interest in civil war tells us everything.
Show the proof he said these things two years ago. You can not . So sad you accept guilt on say so. So if someone here’s Raoul2 stole money from his local store and other merchandise two years ago . It came from a very good source that is very reliable. Yep Raoul2 should then be labeled guilty as charged on the basis of here say from a source on something that Happened two years ago. Yep nothing but brilliance.
Yeah, their hero, Bolton, said it didnt happen..
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That's what I'm seeing too. This is such a blatant and obvious hit job by the media. Anyone with a brain knows this. The MSM may as well be a part of the democratic party. They are desperate at this point and will do or say anything. Real journalism has been dead in this country for quite some time.

I heard someone say the press is the military arm of the democrat party, I have to agree.
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How quickly this was created shows this entire thing is a planned lie and planned reaction to fill the weekend news cycle from Biden's ineptitude and failure to take a single direct question.
Is Joe Afrwaid of the BIG MEANIES AT FOX? He is even AFWAID of ABC, CBS and ABC.
Not really....he has been saying stupid shit like this for years. I am sure they knew that.
Lol this ad was premade well before the hoax article in the Atlantic. It has all been coordinated. You have to be a real dummy not to see what this . Just more Kool aid for the TDS crowd.
I see the video directly quoted Trump. If whoever made it isn't sued to hell and back you know he said it. If they don't have proof they're screwed. Either way it'll be very telling.
For those denying Trump said these things, you're ignoring the fact that this is a part of who he is. If he doesn't see anything in it for himself then he doesn't understand it. So if someone is willing to serve their country and be a part of something larger than themselves, Trump is obviously not going to understand the logic of it - thus consider them, losers and suckers.

This is why you don't elect someone with this level of transactional narcissism to public office (much less the Presidency). His inability to understand service to country is going to work against the national interest.
Thank you for this mornings first LMAO
Just spit out my coffee
So funny watching you donkeys panic.
Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE
Book it LOSER
I see the video directly quoted Trump. If whoever made it isn't sued to hell and back you know he said it. If they don't have proof they're screwed. Either way it'll be very telling.
You are full of sh#t. LOSER
Trump never said and there is NO video

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