Biden Day 58


21 states sue Biden Administration over Keystone EU. Was paying back his campaign contribtors worth putting over 11,000 American out of work, costing taxpayers many millions in litigation.and creating a climate that has increased gas prices over 80 cents per gallon. With all the Covid related issues, was his political grandstanding the best thing for the Country. Day one of his presidency no less?
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Please stop looking for a free ride. Things cost money to run the greatest nation on earth. Playtime and free tax handouts are over. Grown-ups are now in the room. Freedom isn't free.
What does joining the Military have to do with anything? Things stop costing because you joined the military so there is no need to raise taxes? lmao....what kind of logic is this? The military card? We must pay for things we need. Where is the money going to come from? The clear blue sky?
Yeah gotta pay for you and illegals. You said free ride, i wrote a blank check for this country. What have you done but suck the teat of hard working Americans.
It's his standard response when someone calls for less government and lower taxes... He accuses you of wanting something for free, or not wanting to pay your "fair share." But interestingly, he can never quantify what "fair share" means. If you want to see his head explode, ask him to give you a specific number.
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