Biden interview with Jackie Nespral Miami (he had the questions)


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
How anyone can vote for this clown. Got the questions from NBC6 ahead of time, answers on teleprompter. Problem is he read "TOPLINE HEADER" which is NOT supposed to be uttered because that just means "top of the message about to scroll." Eminent front it's a put on........The Who. And shame on NBC 6.

More and more Republicans are planning on voting for Biden because they are finally coming around to recognizing how terrible Trump is.

More and more Republicans are planning on voting for Biden because they are finally coming around to recognizing how terrible Trump is.

If by more and more you mean loser Republicans who can't hold office because of their weak kneed NeoCon stances and the hacks who helped get them elected you are right. That's about 200. They are just mad that someone was elected who actually has held to campaign issues and politicians in both parties are furious to have a leader who actually takes action on what he says. Its hard to campaign when you actually try to accomplish things or God forbid actually get them done.
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I heard someone say it best. The Republican convention displayed the Republican party I always voted for, but never got. All these anti Trump establishment Republicans , are what I always hated about the Republican party. Give me more like minded Independents and Democrats, and let those establishment Republicans pound sand.
If by more and more you mean loser Republicans who can't hold office because of their weak kneed NeoCon stances and the hacks who helped get them elected you are right. That's about 200. They are just mad that someone was elected who actually has held to campaign issues and politicians in both parties are furious to have a leader who actually takes action on what he says. Its hard to campaign when you actually try to accomplish things or God forbid actually get them done.

I mean actual Republicans with conservative values, as opposed to RINO cultists who are intoxicated by the lure of voting for a demagogue who has given more money to Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris etc., than he has Republicans.
I mean actual Republicans with conservative values, as opposed to RINO cultists who are intoxicated by the lure of voting for a demagogue who has given more money to Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris etc., than he has Republicans.

Trump has 85 percent of Republicans, that’s huge as Republicans are more fickle when it comes to party support.
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I am going to be honored to vote for him over Trump. Primarily not because of what they say and do through the media. He is a good person and Trump is a POS. It is as simple as that really.
I mean actual Republicans with conservative values, as opposed to RINO cultists who are intoxicated by the lure of voting for a demagogue who has given more money to Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris etc., than he has Republicans.
These are open borders globalists who for the last 3 decades have supported policies that globalize manufacturing and ship jobs abroad, support endless wars, want open borders and cheap immigrant labor to flow freely into the US, supports condensing business into large conglomerates. Trump has turned that upside down and taken on the globalist branch of the Republican party that has been profiteering of the party for as long as I have lived and now that that has been disrupted they are not happy. The Democrats love them because they consistently lose and guys like Rick Wilson hte that they aren't making huge sums if money running losing campaigns.
These are open borders globalists who for the last 3 decades have supported policies that globalize manufacturing and ship jobs abroad, support endless wars, want open borders and cheap immigrant labor to flow freely into the US, supports condensing business into large conglomerates. Trump has turned that upside down and taken on the globalist branch of the Republican party that has been profiteering of the party for as long as I have lived and now that that has been disrupted they are not happy. The Democrats love them because they consistently lose and guys like Rick Wilson hte that they aren't making huge sums if money running losing campaigns.

What you're describing is the global economy where people trade and work across borders. That is simply not going to change in a world of complex economic interdependence.

The problem with both parties is that they are both in bed with corporations and Trump has only entrenched these ties during his time in office, at a time when the rich have gotten richer and ordinary working people are struggling to make ends meet. If you're looking for a culprit in all of this, its the growth of corporate power and its pervasive influence on policy over the past four decades beginning with Reagan era deregulation all the way through Trump's crony capitalism. The Dems along the way haven't exactly helped matters either since they continue to receive political donations from corporations as well.
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The OP point (Me) was to point out that NBC6 gave him their questions ahead of time specifically about Cuba and Venezuela and he read his answers from a teleprompter. That is just wrong...........................

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