BIDEN KENOSHA gave out paper questions to go off of to the people there OMG


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007

Girl ROASTS him! Is this what you want for a President? Telling people what to ask? Oh MY MY MY how WEAK!!
Hiden Biden will probably have the debate questions in advance.
Watched him taking questions and he’s behind the lectern and always looking down at something. He doesn’t look at questioners thru his answer keeps looking down. Like to see what he’s looking at. I wonder if someone sending answers or prompts to him electronically.
The hipocricy of it all is imagine Trump doing that. First word from you left wing nuts media would be RACIST TRUMP. He wont allow blacks to speak freely. But hey its Joe, Good ole Joe its ok.

I would also like to take a moment of silence for the Portland Murderer's death last night. I have inside info that Trump called the fed and told them to kill him on the spot. Sorry left wing nuts. You lost what you all consider a patriot.
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