My dad always taught me to have respect for ladies. Democrat congresswoman make that difficult. It is shocking how many female democrat congresswoman there are that are just horrible people. I mean just nasty, rude, no rudder of the truth, mean, vindictive, stupid, lacking in very basic human courtesy, etc.. Just to name a few, Pelosi, Dingle, Omar, Talib, Pressley, Wasserman Schultz, AOC and many more. Maybe they are just mad because God was a little short on the looks department when it came to them. I could write a bunch of mean adjectives and descriptions, which would be correct, but why bother.
I just wonder why otherwise decent women (that are mothers) could ever vote for these vile females who put their perverse political power wishes ahead of basic human respect for the sacrifice of our armed forces and their mothers. Let's see if McCarthy has the guts to call this out? I doubt it. I am concerned he is happy to be "Red Klotz" the well paid Coach of the Washington Generals that was happy to always lose to the Harlem Globetrotters.