Biden lied, soldiers died! Is this phone call an impeachable offense?

mike, Bidens been lying since he got into politics.

-Got an F in law school for Plagiarizing on an exam
-Lied about being in the top 10% of his law School Graduating Class (was bottom 10%)
those 2 are common knowledge. This link is from real clear politics, and it goes from law school to his campaign.

Joe Biden's Plagiarism Problem from realclear politics

these are from more recent and current

national review , The True Extent of Biden’s Lies about Afghanistan By JIM GERAGHTY

Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President: Part 60
I'm not singing the praises of Biden and never have. If Biden has been lying since he got into politics, Trump's been lying all his life and was far from being a top student as I'm sure you're well aware. He was a lousy businessman and Daddy's sinkhole. How do you go bankrupt running a gambling casino? I could compile a list of Trumps lies and corruption but what's the point? He lost the election and will never hold political office again. That's all I care about. Why do you support somebody like him? Is it strictly party allegiance? Surely, you don't respect the serial-lying POS?
Still waiting for you to name one lie. Finding it difficult to find one?
I think grb may have grown bored with your pathetic attempts to be a Junior Jen pSAKi by spinning Biden's lies, coruption, incompetance and dementia. So i will post a clip from grb showing a number of Biden Lies over the past week or so. We don't even need to begin the litany of flat ass lies on things like the border, Keystone, Hunter and so many more.

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Pretty much every time you open your mouth, it’s not worth my time. Some posters already busted you in the Wuhan thread. You’re pathetic TDS carcass will claim an opinion of a Trump, or something you researched in your libtard sources constitutes a lie by Trump.
Surely posting one lie can't be that time consuming. You haven't done so because you can't find one. And no body busted me in the Wuhan thread. Another lie. The final word on that has yet to determined!
Surely posting one lie can't be that time consuming. You haven't done so because you can't find one. And no body busted me in the Wuhan thread. Another lie. The final word on that has yet to determined!
MiamiCD, everyone knows what you’re about, I can’t believe I’m wasting my time responding to you.
I think grb may have grown bored with your pathetic attempts to be a Junior Jen pSAKi by spinning Biden's lies, coruption, incompatence and dementia. So i will post a clip from grb showing a number of Biden Lies over the past week or so. We don't even need to begin the litany of flat ass lies on things like the border, Keystone, Hunter and so many more.

grb claimed that I posted a lie and I was waiting for him to name one, which he has been unable to do as yet. I wasn't referring to Biden lies so your clip is a waste of time. Try to stay focused!
MiamiCD, everyone knows what you’re about, I can’t believe I’m wasting my time responding to you.
By everyone I take it you're referring to all the Trumpers and right-wingers who overrun the Lounge? You respond to me in a pathetic attempt to defend your lies! What's happened to you? When we first started posting you were a reasonable person. As I recall, you weren't that impressed with Trump back then. Your support was mainly due to Party allegiance. Now you're Trump adoration has sent you off the rails. Sad!
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MiamiCD, everyone knows what you’re about, I can’t believe I’m wasting my time responding to you.
Better reply now because the way things are going for his beloved Biden mini mike and the rest of the raulfools on here will be in their basement hiding. Can’t say I hope it happens but just like lying joe turned his back on us citizens and our allies and the press and the military, he will soon turn his back on them and somehow it will be Trumps fault.
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grb claimed that I posted a lie and I was waiting for him to name one, which he has been unable to do as yet. I wasn't referring to Biden lies so your clip is a waste of time. Try to stay focused!
You post lies routinely everyday. If you are quoting Biden pSAKi and Don Lemon you are speaking in false and misleading statements, also known as "lies".
I'm not singing the praises of Biden and never have. If Biden has been lying since he got into politics, Trump's been lying all his life and was far from being a top student as I'm sure you're well aware.
Mike your obsessing on Trump. Trump is not the President. If he did or didn't if he is or isn't is Not Important. Biden The President is the only important one. There is no moral victory and one doesn't cancel out the other, so justifying everything with "trump did it" is tangent to the conversation. I vote for who's best to get the job done and I'm not even a republican, but I am a conservative. I will vote Trump over Hillary every day of the week. Were there other choices ? I voted Trump over Biden , can you say that was blasphemy now ?
You post lies routinely everyday. If you are quoting Biden pSAKi and Don Lemon you are speaking in false and misleading statements, also known as "lies".
Never intentionally posted a lie. If I post lies routinely you should have no problem naming one. Never quoted Biden pSAKI or Don Lemon. Any other lies?
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My dad always taught me to have respect for ladies. Democrat congresswoman make that difficult. It is shocking how many female democrat congresswoman there are that are just horrible people. I mean just nasty, rude, no rudder of the truth, mean, vindictive, stupid, lacking in very basic human courtesy, etc.. Just to name a few, Pelosi, Dingle, Omar, Talib, Pressley, Wasserman Schultz, AOC and many more. Maybe they are just mad because God was a little short on the looks department when it came to them. I could write a bunch of mean adjectives and descriptions, which would be correct, but why bother.

I just wonder why otherwise decent women (that are mothers) could ever vote for these vile females who put their perverse political power wishes ahead of basic human respect for the sacrifice of our armed forces and their mothers. Let's see if McCarthy has the guts to call this out? I doubt it. I am concerned he is happy to be "Red Klotz" the well paid Coach of the Washington Generals that was happy to always lose to the Harlem Globetrotters.
I don't know about putting AOC in the ugly catagory. Banging her would also have the side benefit of getting a professionally made cocktail! The conditions would be that if she dares to talk while banging her, the session is over. Couldn't listen to her.

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