45 is no longer in charge. Pudding Brain will go down as the worst Pres in history by a long shot and that's not even counting the rest of his completely incompetent Cabinet. Is Mayor Pete done breastfeeding his kid yet while a transportation crisis is happening? VP in name only was given 2 jobs so far, the border and the Haiti earthquake. I guess she's too busy unmasking while running up to a crowd to get started on those issues yet. Is she a superspreader and giving off a bad example? Energy Sec cackling and saying, "That's hilarious," when asked about expanding US oil and gas production to offset high energy prices and the Interior Sec backing the theft of Utah land that Barry implemented, in recommending that the full 1.8 million acres of land in Bears Ears, be set aside as a monument that 45 cut down to a reasonable amount of acreage. Keep in mind that Utah is already over 66% owned by the Federal Gov and this ties their hand as far as future growth and income opportunities go.