ANTIFA the most dangerous thing this country has faced sense World War 2 . BLM Will destroy sports as we know them . BLM and ANTIFA most racist group sense the KKK. Lot of danger when the head man of the NFL apologizes to a Marxist America hating Thug that called for the killing of police officers. That praised the Cuban Castro and communist. This new racism will not stand good people will fight back. ALL LIVES MATTER. BLUE LIVES MATTER. Sad to see but we Are in dangerous times. Check out Venezuela .how has that worked out. Yep riots , looting , murders, crime, all back by BLM and Antifa. The disgusting NFL and others want to apologize For that. Not one apology from BLM and ANTIFA on destroying the city’s. Not one word mentions by Roger and the NFL about the destruction caused by BLM and ANTIFA.