

Gold Member
Jun 25, 2005
The Nashville AT&T contract was given to do a forensic audit on the Dominion voting machines. Those voting machines were being moved to Nashville this week. The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennars, is a board member for Cerebus Capital Management and AT&T. He was also Bill Clintons FCC chair and Obamas ambassador to the EU. Dominion voting is owned by Cerebus Capital. Cerebus is run by Staple Street Executives, Joe Biden, Brother in Law, Steven Owens who is the co founder of Staple Street Executives along with William Kennard.
The super computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in Nashville. Yesterday evening,the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and supercomputer fried...
If you dont know " Kraken" it is a reference to a Supercomputer that former prosecutor, Sidney Powell has been talking about.
So the explosion " just happened" to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the Dominion voting machines and drives for Forensic Audit.
Does it make sense the FBI couldn't put together a coherent sentence in the presentation? Why was the Mayor making light of it?
Why did they report no lives were lost?
It will come out..eventually. There are some bad players involved here that need to be exposed and prosecuted.
The Nashville AT&T contract was given to do a forensic audit on the Dominion voting machines. Those voting machines were being moved to Nashville this week. The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennars, is a board member for Cerebus Capital Management and AT&T. He was also Bill Clintons FCC chair and Obamas ambassador to the EU. Dominion voting is owned by Cerebus Capital. Cerebus is run by Staple Street Executives, Joe Biden, Brother in Law, Steven Owens who is the co founder of Staple Street Executives along with William Kennard.
The super computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in Nashville. Yesterday evening,the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and supercomputer fried...
If you dont know " Kraken" it is a reference to a Supercomputer that former prosecutor, Sidney Powell has been talking about.
So the explosion " just happened" to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the Dominion voting machines and drives for Forensic Audit.
Does it make sense the FBI couldn't put together a coherent sentence in the presentation? Why was the Mayor making light of it?
Why did they report no lives were lost?
It will come out..eventually. There are some bad players involved here that need to be exposed and prosecuted.
This is something that started making its way around yesterday and I’ve checked into it and it not true.

Suspect was a paranoid schizo who thought the govt was spying on him through 5g broadband. His father was a former Bellsouth (AT&T) employee. Gave his house away just prior to committing the act. Here’s the kicker, girlfriend called twice on him for making bombs in his RV.

How come nobody caught this beforeit got that far? Crazy!
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Where is this article/info from?

I think we are on the same page. Dirty Trump and his henchmen could have something to do with this awful bombing.
Why would AT&T get an audit contract for voting machines in what would equate to a criminal investigation? It wasn’t even a well thought out lie lol.
He was a terrorist. He's dead. Terrorists should be dead, all of them.

He needs to be called a terrorist instead of a bomber.This is what gives people ammunition to point out racism. If he was of middle eastern descent we would be talking about banning these radical terrorists and it would be plastered over ever news station. But because he's white the lack of coverage and sensationalism softens the image of terrorism.It's a reason the FBI says our greatest threat to national security is domestic terrorism from white national and supremacists groups.
What has been DJT’s reaction to this bombing by a white guy? Wait for it....

Complete silence continuous golfing while protesting that the election was stolen from him. This is his same reaction to our current super spike in Covid infections and hospitalizations.

What a self absorbed douche!
What has been DJT’s reaction to this bombing by a white guy? Wait for it....

Complete silence continuous golfing while protesting that the election was stolen from him. This is his same reaction to our current super spike in Covid infections and hospitalizations.

What a self absorbed douche!

Trump is too busy grifting donations to fund his "election lawsuits".
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I believe motive determines if an act is called terrorism, not skin color.

Here is the definition of terrorism:

“the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.)

As soon as we determine his political or social objective then we can determine if this was terrorism or just a crazy POS who wanted to go out with a bang.i

Miss me with that BS. He detonated a bomb which in turn caused terror, panic and fear to someone. Therefore he is a terrorist PERIOD!!Doesnt matter if its political or personal he was a damn terrorist. A domestic terrorist. His actions deem him a terrorist and he should be called such. The verbiage surrounding this is why people scream racism and rightfully so. Its not being used to stoke fear and wide spread panic(didn't even make national news for over a day)like when a person of Arabic descent is the suspect. And this is why white national groups are so dangerous (biggest threat according the FBI)because they're not condemned and spoken about as terrorists. We gotta stop with the selective narrative and go with the truth. Not alternate facts or misinterpretations.
You see, this is what I’m talking about, my brother. Take ownership of your life and be a king instead of blaming others. There are bad people in every segment of society that don’t represent the entire population. Stop being oppressed by your own insecurities that chain down your soul.

none of what you said makes sense. Zero. I posted a cartoon. The **** are your prattling about?
We are actually pretty much on the same page. Personally, I would consider this POS a terrorist too because of what you stated above...caused terror, panic, physical harm, destruction. I just gave you the definition of terrorism according to the FBI. You dont like it so take it up with them.

But just to be clear, you do think any group or individuals that causes fear, physical harm, mass destruction of cities and property, death, etc in the name of a political or social agenda would be a terrorist? This includes white nationalist obviously...and others.
Whataboutism in 3, 2, 1...
I believe motive determines if an act is called terrorism, not skin color.

Here is the definition of terrorism:

“the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.)

As soon as we determine his political or social objective then we can determine if this was terrorism or just a crazy POS who wanted to go out with a bang.

Sounds like BLM & Antifa
Not at all. A terrorist is a terrorist. All the same. There is no distinction between ideologies and we shouldn't be selective.
So we agree that this terrorist is and should be dead! Good to agree on something. Thread done for me. Agreement is good.
We are actually pretty much on the same page. Personally, I would consider this POS a terrorist too because of what you stated above...caused terror, panic, physical harm, destruction. I just gave you the definition of terrorism according to the FBI. You dont like it so take it up with them.

But just to be clear, you do think any group or individuals that causes fear, physical harm, mass destruction of cities and property, death, etc in the name of a political or social agenda would be a terrorist? This includes white nationalist obviously...and others.

Once again miss me with that fu@k sh!t bro. Somebody fist fighting and people being scared is not the same as this. You making me question if you see any color but OD green. And you know exactly what I was saying. But you want to go to schematics. Justice has to be equal to really be justice. You can't color something one way because it was a white man. If it had been a Arab or black person it would be sensationalized as a terror attack. Bill's would be being introduced as I type. Smdh that we gotta even have this conversation.
What has been DJT’s reaction to this bombing by a white guy? Wait for it....

Complete silence continuous golfing while protesting that the election was stolen from him. This is his same reaction to our current super spike in Covid infections and hospitalizations.

What a self absorbed douche!
He literally made a statement that morning about it. My God you guys are so obsessed with every little thing he does.
He literally made a statement that morning about it. My God you guys are so obsessed with every little thing he does.

Don’t think so Cash. Trump has been silent on the bombing and silent on COVID spikes. In these two cases, it’s not about “every little thing he does.” Rather, it’s about every big thing (really big things) about which he does nothing.

He‘s in a Mar a Lago bunker of golf and frustration about losing the election. He doesn’t give a damn about a Nashville bombing or COVID outbreaks across the country. Its all about him. Nobody else.
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Don’t think so Cash. Trump has been silent on the bombing and silent on COVID spikes. In these two cases, it’s not about “every little thing he does.” Rather, it’s about every big thing (really big things) about which he does nothing.

He‘s in a Mar a Lago bunker of golf and frustration about losing the election. He doesn’t give a damn about a Nashville bombing or COVID outbreaks across the country. Its all about him. Nobody else.
No I was listening to the news when it was mentioned that he had been briefed and said his thoughts were with the people and first responders in Nashville. There hasn’t been anything since and to be honest I’m glad he hasn’t come to the area because it would have been a nightmare with secret service and security.

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