You wouldn’t believe how much politics are involved in public schools. It’s nature I guess but when you grew up in an area where you’re now privy (yes I’m an insider) to the biggest controversy in the history of our county, it just sucks. This is one time I can’t side with some of these republicans on my side. It’s like a machine and some of these guys that are tied to the school board are bad mo foes that could give two shits about anybody but them selves, some of these guys that are making financial plays (pulling strings) are going to prison.
hate to say it but the republican party is losing their support where I live because we know who these people are and what they are and there’s still some dems that are willing to do what’s right and work with the good republicans in power for the better of the kids.
we need better republicans or there isn’t going to be republicans in power where I live. We just can’t get away with the scandals of the left that get a free pass. It is what it is. It shouldn’t be that hard to do what you’re elected to do. Our new super is with out question the right person for the job and she’s a dem and scandal free, born and raised in my county, knows the system and gives a shit.
there are so many people that could do a better job imo than who we have (recently elected) but the machine got behind a guy that could be had that was THE worst candidate to where the republicans in power that give a shit about the kids had to make a play and that was get behind the candidate was CLEARLY the more qualified and cared the most, a dem believe it or not.
we need better republicans. People like our mayor that don’t give a shit about what people think because his accomplishments speak for itself and theirs no ugly ties.
On a side note, several years ago, I ran into our mayor at a leadership program that we were both a part of and he comes up to me (he’s known me for years) and says this rubio guy that he brought to my restaurant had a great time and was really impressed. I kinda look at our mayor and was like ok cool, always glad to hear someone had a good time. He then says remember the name rubio because he’s going to run for senate and he’s going to win. Man, little did I know. As much as I respect our mayor, it kinda makes me wonder, did he get in bed with some of these crooked mother ****ers too? It’s almost like they have to.
our family literally has gotten death threats for our roll in the rescinding of the school board vote. People are boycotting my restaurant supposedly, lol not working but still.