Canes Fam the Shrimp are running hard . Join me and all the kids Shrimping

Holy cow! You know how much we’re paying for key west pinks at my restaurant?! Hint, it’s not cheap. Good for you! A few years back I was in sun set key in key west. It was so windy and the full moon was so big. Every time we threw the cast net off the dock we’d get a dozen pinks. We were literally using these beauties as bait and were catching tarpon albeit we only landed two and one nice gag grouper right off the dock.

side story, that same trip my bro in law made friends with a guy at the pool and invited him to go on our charter boat the next day because his tournament was canceled due to the winds. We were pissed because it was just suppose to be my dad, nephew, two bro in laws and my self, mo one else, just family. My bro in law felt so bad was like he probably won’t show anyways. Fast forward, clearly my bro in law is not a big baseball fan. The guy did show and it was johhny bench. He had no clue. Lol, it was a celebrity tournament that got canceled.

pm me your email and I’ll send you the pics. I don’t know how to do it on here.
Subscribed! What an amazing haul to bro, if I didn't hate the cold...I know they gotta be running in Pompano.
Great video polo, so how many kids do you have?

not polo but

As a father of two boys i can say too many lol, my parents were saints. I freaking love my kids and they give me more motivation than I could ever imagine and make me better than I could ever be. They keep me both old and young at the same time if you know what i mean. That being said, Thank god they didn’t have condoms in the early eighties, otherwise wise you wouldn’t have my occasional gifts to canesport :). My parents were nuts for having me. Again, total saints.
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A big activity growing up in the Upper Keys in the 70's on a cold night with the wind out of the North, moving shrimp through the bridges from Bay to Ocean. Soon thereafter the Kingfish runs would start....
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