If they support that group, to me they dont matter and this country better off without them.In all seriousness. I still haven't found one person who doesnt think black lives matter. I feel like almost everyone is in agreement that black people matter.
No lives matter until All Lives Matter. I do hope they do something about racism in this country though. In 2018 there were 547,948 black on white violent crime incidents, while there were only 59,778 white on black violent crime incidents. Pretty easy to see which group is the racists these days and it needs to stop.
As opposed to murdering them I suppose?They use Black Lives #open your eyes
Pay your child support. Then your son’s Black/White Life Will Matter.As opposed to murdering them I suppose?
Remember cd no racial remarks pleaseAs opposed to murdering them I suppose?
Dont you support Abortion Clinics?As opposed to murdering them I suppose?
CD BLM hasn't killed anyone ? You sure about that
I suppose you just expect blm to wait to be murdered huh? Not going to happen. I don't ever see you posting link of the boogaloo crew or similar militia etc....oh nevermind those groups are perfect Angels.
Exactly!! CD is a fraud and an attention seeking loser.Dont you support Abortion Clinics?