China State Media endorses Biden for President

Of course they did. Trump has the balls to stand up to them, put America first, and negotiate trade deals that benefit US. They will run circles around Biden and the weak libs.
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I'm sure our resident libs will just blow this off, as china demonstrating good taste Bawhaha
China is leaning towards Biden, true, but not because Biden will make favorable policy decisions with them but because Trump is a loose cannon and very unpredictable....
The Chinese are irrelevant in this debate. It was the Russians who helped elect Trump and are trying to do it again.
The Chinese are irrelevant in this debate. It was the Russians who helped elect Trump and are trying to do it again.
You missed the point. The thread was not about influencing the election. The Chinese want Biden to win , because they know his foreign policy would be soft and weak- weak on trade, weak on exporting jobs, and weak on defense. He let them build all those artificial island military bases in the South China Sea. Notice they haven't built any since Trump has been POTUS.
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You missed the point. The thread was not about influencing the election. The Chinese want Biden to win , because they know he's soft and weak- weak on trade, weak on exporting jobs, and weak on defense. He let them build all those artificial island military bases in the South China Sea. Notice they haven't built any since Trump has been POTUS.
But was Quid Pro Joe actually weak in regards to the Chinese or was he turning a blind eye to their activities and simply paying them back for the 1.5 billion dollars that they gave to his crackhead son? China made sure that Joe would not have to take care of his worthless son for the rest of his life so that must be worth something to him.
Hey Matt when did you call China and ask them ? You Assume , and what's most appealing to you at that. Next you'll act like its true and cancel out anything that opposes it. All that energy completely based on an assumption. Why'd you do that ?
Should be the kiss of death for Biden, however there are some anti American Socialist/Communists on this board that will spin it positive. You know who you are and we do to! Bring it on ...
The Chinese are irrelevant in this debate. It was the Russians who helped elect Trump and are trying to do it again.
I think Crooked Hillary and the failed 8 years of King Obama helped Trump a little more than the Russians. Hahaha. The Russians did not change 1 vote btw. Maybe Hilary should have went to PA WI & MI a few more times. The deplorables sure did step up and kick your all’s ass and we are fixin to lay that ass Whoopin in you fools again. Hahahahah
I think Crooked Hillary and the failed 8 years of King Obama helped Trump a little more than the Russians. Hahaha. The Russians did not change 1 vote btw. Maybe Hilary should have went to PA WI & MI a few more times. The deplorables sure did step up and kick your all’s ass and we are fixin to lay that ass Whoopin in you fools again. Hahahahah

You don't have to change votes to subvert an election. Its as simple as fometing division and suppressing voter participation for the candidate you want to lose.
Again, for the billionth time. This is America. Americans don't give a crap what other countries think about our elections here. We don't need or want help from outsiders. Get that through your head.
You don't have to change votes to subvert an election. Its as simple as fometing division and suppressing voter participation for the candidate you want to lose.
Ok that’s a fair point. But Doesn’t change the fact that Crooked Hillary was terrible and so is Biden. That’s the best you all got?? Lol. Sleepy Joe will lose by more electorates than Hillary did.
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It wasn't very long ago that Biden said China was "no problem"- no problem for him and his worthless son. China is the biggest threat our country faces. " Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every issue his whole career"- Robert Gates Sec. of Defense under Obama.
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You don't have to change votes to subvert an election. Its as simple as fometing division and suppressing voter participation for the candidate you want to lose.
So if they suppressed votes then they changed them...nice statement
So if they suppressed votes then they changed them...nice statement

Convincing people to not vote by demoralizing them into staying home gives you the same result as changing a vote. You are subtracting a vote from the opposing side which benefits the side you are for.

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