Civil War


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2003
Palm Bay FL
I posted this months ago and many gave some interesting feedback. Trump or Biden I dont think this country can avoid what is coming after this election. It is gonna get real ugly either way.
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naaa, they settled chattel slavery a long time ago. The indigenous are mollified with $$$ from casinos. Hispanics/latinos know that the browning = winning (Esther Rolle v. Big Papi) The ever shrinking majority don't want that smoke either. We (folks with the privilege to act like this shit is real because we have 401k's and big e penises (or ummm)) will argue, some assholes will do dumb shit and go to prison (where asshole will be ironic) but most of this will go the way of Yahoo comments section....or 4chan/Air America.
hard to hit like on this topic, but you guys are right. Since he walked down that escalator politicians and the media have irresponsibly used any means necessary to cancel his presidency, inciting people to resist, harass, demean, and dehumanize, remember maxine waters, little cuomo, the squad all of them, the list is un ending of the stars, athletes, and politicians that have fanned the flames of hate and callously . I have not seen a shred of emotional maturity from the ones that count and the saddest part (don't be small minded and see for yourself its true) it is all coming from the Democrat party and its supporters.
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Well I am a Trump supporter obviously but I am not a looney one. If he loses I can move on as long as I am not threatened or told what I have to do Im good.

I do not see this on the other side. I see big big problems especially in the democrat run cities. Portland, who cares, let it rot. Tourism is in big trouble.

Maybe Mario says F this state and comes home when Manny fails.
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naaa, they settled chattel slavery a long time ago. The indigenous are mollified with $$$ from casinos. Hispanics/latinos know that the browning = winning (Esther Rolle v. Big Papi) The ever shrinking majority don't want that smoke either. We (folks with the privilege to act like this shit is real because we have 401k's and big e penises (or ummm)) will argue, some assholes will do dumb shit and go to prison (where asshole will be ironic) but most of this will go the way of Yahoo comments section....or 4chan/Air America.
Apparently not totally settled. Some Blacks want reparations . I say anyone from the period of slavery should step up and get reparations..LOL.
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Unfortunately for the people who want civil war, they are not prepared for the reality of what it means. It would be over pretty quickly to say the least....and it would be fun to watch another civil war go wrong again.
Used to live in Richmond VA. One of my co-workers spouse was a cop. During last election they were being prepared for right wing violence if Trump lost. How idiotic do they look now
Used to live in Richmond VA. One of my co-workers spouse was a cop. During last election they were being prepared for right wing violence if Trump lost. How idiotic do they look now

Considering that a right winger killed 2 left wingers... I'm not sure. Al I know is that black folks are tired of cops killing us and white on white violence (Antifa and MAGA) won't help us from dying.

kkthxbai~ (new shortcut for threads I'll never open again) kkthxbai~
Considering that a right winger killed 2 left wingers... I'm not sure. Al I know is that black folks are tired of cops killing us and white on white violence (Antifa and MAGA) won't help us from dying.

kkthxbai~ (new shortcut for threads I'll never open again) kkthxbai~
Did you process that case in your head already and the righty is guilty. Did you block out or throw away the evidence of your leftys attacking him before a shot was fired?
Unfortunately for the people who want civil war, they are not prepared for the reality of what it means. It would be over pretty quickly to say the least....and it would be fun to watch another civil war go wrong again.
CD understand this,,,,, The ones that really are unprepared are the costume wearing wanna be hardcore terrorists masked as protestors, and the cowards cheering them on. I'm sure you may think it'll be fun for you to watch, but when grown men and Women come out to protect their family's and country you'll be the 1st to hide and run for cover. What a pathetic and truly uninformed opinion and person you're showing yourself to be. You think good Americas that have served their country to keep the filth away will just sit back and watch LOL You and your kind will open up Pandora's box and people like you will be re-educated in a most expeditious way
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CD understand this,,,,, The ones that really are unprepared are the costume wearing wanna be hardcore terrorists masked as protestors, and the cowards cheering them on. I'm sure you may think it'll be fun for you to watch, but when grown men and Women come out to protect their family's and country you'll be the 1st to hide and run for cover. What a pathetic and truly uninformed opinion and person you're showing yourself to be. You think good Americas that have served their country to keep the filth away will just sit back and watch LOL You and your kind will open up Pandora's box and people like you will be re-educated in a most expeditious way

Please....spare me! Protesting is as old as American apple pie. Thinking protesters are terrorizing in the streets is about as retarded as one can get. The people causing violence in streets are not protesters. You would have to be a fool to believe they are....hell they aren't even from there. They are a bunch of cowards and YES IT WILL BE FUN TO WATCH THEM TAKEN OUT! Because they are cowards. Me and my kind? You sound pretty ridiculous to be honest. Not sure why you aren't blocked.
Cowardly response cd,,,,,,,,,,, ofcourse ofcourse there couldn't be any coordination between the Dem party , the protestors and the BLM and Antifa terrorists burning and killing people in the streets how moronic of me,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as if anyone could be so dense and obtuse to not see it after all the time its been going on. Your an angry little person with delusions of grandeur buddy, and you should count your lucky stars your coddled soft arse was born in this Great and Magnificent Country
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Please....spare me! Protesting is as old as American apple pie. Thinking protesters are terrorizing in the streets is about as retarded as one can get. The people causing violence in streets are not protesters. You would have to be a fool to believe they are....hell they aren't even from there. They are a bunch of cowards and YES IT WILL BE FUN TO WATCH THEM TAKEN OUT! Because they are cowards. Me and my kind? You sound pretty ridiculous to be honest. Not sure why you aren't blocked.
So you're saying that all of the violence and looting was from outsiders? Clueless as usual.

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