Cloth masks


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2010
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention in January conducted experiments on the effectiveness of masks against COVID-19. Results from one experiment demonstrated that the un-knotted medical procedure mask alone blocked 42% of the particles from a simulated cough, and the cloth mask alone blocked 44.3%. There you have it, wearing a cloth mask alone gives you less than a 50% chance of protection from COVID-19, and that is under laboratory conditions.
Yeah, people arent just walking free coughing in peoples faces anyway, spraying spit freely in the air...People already cover there mouths, etc. I guessing most transmission arent from someone walking up and coughing directly in your face. Most likely its because people constantly fiddle with their mouth, face, nose, etc and then touch things and then you do the same...something that masks actually exacerbate
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Yeah, people arent just walking free coughing in peoples faces anyway, spraying spit freely in the air...People already cover there mouths, etc. I guessing most transmission arent from someone walking up and coughing directly in your face. Most likely its because people constantly fiddle with their mouth, face, nose, etc and then touch things and then you do the same.
Yes, and it doesn't help when most people just leave their masks in their car for months at a time without washing them. There's a big difference between a study in a lab under ideal conditions with a perfectly fitted mask compared to what happens in the real world.
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Yes, and it doesn't help when most people just leave their masks in their car for months at a time without washing them. There's a big difference between a study in a lab under ideal conditions with a perfectly fitted mask compared to what happens in the real world.
Masks do work ignorant fools don’t get it. If everyone has them on they work. It’s when selfish Aholes don’t wear them is the problem. You are correct on leaving in car and improper use
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Masks do work ignorant fools don’t get it. If everyone has them on they work. It’s when selfish Aholes don’t wear them is the problem. You are correct on leaving in car and improper use
Cloth masks have a less than 45% effectiveness rate against COVID, and that is under ideal laboratory conditions. That is a less than 50-50 chance that they will work for you should you be exposed to COVID. Why is it that places that had the most restrictive mask rules have the same or higher rates of cases and deaths as those that were not as strict? My niece the travelling COVID nurse and her colleagues have been saying this from the beginning and so did the doctors and nurses that saved my wife's life from it.

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