Data has PROVEN that vaccinated people still get infected and spread infection. THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN. The only difference is that vaccinated people seem to have less severe symptoms. That's it. Nothing more.
The myth that vaccinated people arent getting infected or spreading infection IS 100% FALSE. It cannot be argued against... the virus is still infecting vaccinated people, just not as bad.
So, again, I ask for the 18th-hundred-thousandth-time... WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!?
If the data proved that vaccinated people were not getting sick or spreading the virus then me and hundreds of millions of people would absolutely LINE UP to get the shot so we could go back to normal. Unfortunately, the data proves otherwise. I wish it were different... but it isnt.
You're inventing an alternate reality that doesn't exist.
Here are the facts according to the CDC.
- As of last week 166 million Americans were vaccinated.
- Of the 166m, approximately 8,000 people were either hospitalized or died
- That equals 0.004819277% of breakthrough cases getting very sick or dying, which is a very good number
- For every 100 Covid cases in the U.S., only about 2 are in fully vaccinated people (again a very good number)
- The rise of Covid-related hospitalizations is being driven by unvaccinated or not-yet-fully-vaccinated people
- Vaccines do work - at a high level of effectiveness
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