A quality Staff and 4 and 5 Star Recruits. Relax people. All you instant gratification types go watch more online porn. The quality relationships come with romance.
January figures ro be on FIRE. 80%-100% of the Staff will be in place before next Mondays Title Game. The Stadium Dream and Designs will be in the recruiting pitch to kids. King Nick and King Kirby will be coming back to steal your children right in front of your very eyes.
Butch Davis turned the 305/954 into a Street Fight. The New Staff will need sales skills, technical skills and tenacity. Be patient, its coming....
January figures ro be on FIRE. 80%-100% of the Staff will be in place before next Mondays Title Game. The Stadium Dream and Designs will be in the recruiting pitch to kids. King Nick and King Kirby will be coming back to steal your children right in front of your very eyes.
Butch Davis turned the 305/954 into a Street Fight. The New Staff will need sales skills, technical skills and tenacity. Be patient, its coming....