

Gold Member
Jun 25, 2005
Please give me a good reason why "America first" is such a dirty word to you? Why should we be beholden to the Chinese or Russians? What do we have to apologize for? Why shouldn't our military be the strongest in the world? Why negotiate with two bit dictators and ayatollahs ? Why allow the destruction of our businesses domestically while our law enforcement needs to stand and watch? Please answer any of these questions.
Please give me a good reason why "America first" is such a dirty word to you? Why should we be beholden to the Chinese or Russians? What do we have to apologize for? Why shouldn't our military be the strongest in the world? Why negotiate with two bit dictators and ayatollahs ? Why allow the destruction of our businesses domestically while our law enforcement needs to stand and watch? Please answer any of these questions.

Because the phrase "America First" isn't really America First, its simply Trump's self-serving branding of a term in order to advance his crony capitalism proposals. Trump himself has done plenty of business with the Chinese and Russians, including during his administration. The other questions about the military aren't related to the first, but i'm sure we will get into them.
Please miss me with this "America First" BS. It's what conmen sell people on who can't think for themselves.

Listen man, I hear things like "America First" it implies our country should not have allies. Our country should just look out for self. I don't agree with that because any fool can see we are moving more and more toward a global economy. This thinking is just self serving and hurts American access to resources that are valuable.

It's pretty arrogant, self serving, and to be totally honest ineffective financially. You are talking to other Americans that pay taxes. I don't want my tax dollars disrespected by using this creed.

The problem with people that think like this is they don't see the sacrifices other country's make in contribution to American causes. They just assume that other countries outside of America should sacrifice their citizens lives on American lies. When our president apologizes for this it is viewed as weak. It isn't weak. It's just the right thing to do when countries are treated poorly by America.

Our country provides a lot for other countries but don't be so arrogant as to not understand our country is in Trillions of dollars of debt ourselves. Who do you think we owe this money too. You don't think we are dependent on other countries as well? This is painfully naive too.
While we are all busy arguing left and right, our country’s fiscal policy is quietly racing toward disaster. In the year 2000 our national debt was just over 5 trillion dollars. Today, just 20 years later, it has grown to nearly $28 trillion.

So from the time our country was founded, to the year 2000, we accumulated $5 trillion in debt. And, in just 2 decades we added another $23 trillion. A five fold increase in 20 years! Both parties have their fingerprints on this. BOTH!

We all need wake up to the fact that NO ONE in Washington has our back. These people are ALL spineless, self serving weasels.

There are no chiropractors in Washington DC because they can’t find anyone with a spine.

Our fiat currency is backed by NOTHING but good faith. Our leaders have gambled that this good faith is perpetual, even though a fiat currency system has NEVER worked in the history of mankind.

Time for us all to wake up, join together, and demand better while we still have a chance.
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Because the phrase "America First" isn't really America First, its simply Trump's self-serving branding of a term in order to advance his crony capitalism proposals. Trump himself has done plenty of business with the Chinese and Russians, including during his administration. The other questions about the military aren't related to the first, but i'm sure we will get into them.

Raoul2 seems to believe he is the living God of definitions of all phrases. America First means America First as the OP stated. He is entitled to his opinions but please do not falsely define the truth. If I were to define Raoul2 as a potted plant it is probably closer to the truth than his definition of America First.
Please give me a good reason why "America first" is such a dirty word to you? Why should we be beholden to the Chinese or Russians? What do we have to apologize for? Why shouldn't our military be the strongest in the world? Why negotiate with two bit dictators and ayatollahs ? Why allow the destruction of our businesses domestically while our law enforcement needs to stand and watch? Please answer any of these questions.
It didn’t take long to trigger the radicals.
Because the phrase "America First" isn't really America First, its simply Trump's self-serving branding of a term in order to advance his crony capitalism proposals. Trump himself has done plenty of business with the Chinese and Russians, including during his administration. The other questions about the military aren't related to the first, but i'm sure we will get into them.
America first is just a phrase but what is wrong with that? Trump's business has nothing to do with it. He is in a for profit business. Are the Chinese not taking advantage of us with their economic policies? So what is wrong with countering their unfair economic policies with our sanctions? Same for the Russians...No question in my mind that we will always need to be militarily stronger than any other country. Do you disagree ?
America first is just a phrase but what is wrong with that? Trump's business has nothing to do with it. He is in a for profit business. Are the Chinese not taking advantage of us with their economic policies? So what is wrong with countering their unfair economic policies with our sanctions? Same for the Russians...No question in my mind that we will always need to be militarily stronger than any other country. Do you disagree ?

Allied, please understand that your respectfully worded request for intelligent debate will be responded to by a certain poster with DNC talking point# 12,417.
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Again, America First is just a phrase. It's the concept that I am referencing. CD we have allies, however they are military allies. Who is giving up their lives for us? Maybe in a one off situation but our allies are military alliances. What makes you think that any of them gives a rats ass about the U.S.A. unless it will affect their own defenses? Where is the advantage to the American taxpaying public to embrace globalism? It seems to just cost us as a nation. CD, where and which countries are we treating poorly? Iran, China, Cuba, Russia, etc..please tell me?sorry CD, if your a Socialist or boarding on being a Communist then I hope we are treating them poorly. We have no countries to apologize to. None
While we are all busy arguing left and right, our country’s fiscal policy is quietly racing toward disaster. In the year 2000 our national debt was just over 5 trillion dollars. Today, just 20 years later, it has grown to nearly $28 trillion.

So from the time our country was founded, to the year 2000, we accumulated $5 trillion in debt. And, in just 2 decades we added another $23 trillion. A five fold increase in 20 years! Both parties have their fingerprints on this. BOTH!

We all need wake up to the fact that NO ONE in Washington has our back. These people are ALL spineless, self serving weasels.

There are no chiropractors in Washington DC because they can’t find anyone with a spine.

Our fiat currency is backed by NOTHING but good faith. Our leaders have gambled that this good faith is perpetual, even though a fiat currency system has NEVER worked in the history of mankind.

Time for us all to wake up, join together, and demand better while we still have a chance.
Yup, I think in recent memory the Clinton administration for a term did not run a deficit. Other than that they just print more money when they need to. Our kids and their kids will be paying for it.
America first is just a phrase but what is wrong with that? Trump's business has nothing to do with it. He is in a for profit business. Are the Chinese not taking advantage of us with their economic policies? So what is wrong with countering their unfair economic policies with our sanctions? Same for the Russians...No question in my mind that we will always need to be militarily stronger than any other country. Do you disagree ?

Combating China is not an "America First" policy. It is simply dealing with China on a number of economic and technology related issues they are involved in. The same concept applies to Iran, North Korea, Russia and the others.

On military strength - we are already stronger than any other nation now and have been for the better part of the last century. Going forward, military strength will no longer be assessed by who has more planes and tanks, it will be gauged by who has technological superiority (specifically data superiority), which is why we need a Manhattan Project style initiative to keep us ahead of China.
You know ,,,,,,, I'd like to know what moral rite do Dem's , progressives, and socialist have to be the judge of what people think and mean ? What have they done to deserve such a lofty perch to judge everyone with ? CD, raoul, ellu, et al love to hear your opinion and your acts that make you so connected to Moral right 🤨🧐🤓
Combating China is not an "America First" policy. It is simply dealing with China on a number of economic and technology related issues they are involved in. The same concept applies to Iran, North Korea, Russia and the others.

On military strength - we are already stronger than any other nation now and have been for the better part of the last century. Going forward, military strength will no longer be assessed by who has more planes and tanks, it will be gauged by who has technological superiority (specifically data superiority), which is why we need a Manhattan Project style initiative to keep us ahead of China.
I believe that whomever the enemies of our country are currently and in the future is all the more reason that we need to stay ahead of all countries economically, militarily, and provide the best way of life for citizens of the U.S.A. That means as long as we are stronger than our enemies, our capitalistic way of life will provide the freedoms for our citizens to constantly improve within our society. I don't see any reason to apologize for that.
Combating China is not an "America First" policy. It is simply dealing with China on a number of economic and technology related issues they are involved in. The same concept applies to Iran, North Korea, Russia and the others.

On military strength - we are already stronger than any other nation now and have been for the better part of the last century. Going forward, military strength will no longer be assessed by who has more planes and tanks, it will be gauged by who has technological superiority (specifically data superiority), which is why we need a Manhattan Project style initiative to keep us ahead of China.
We are in an arms race with China. On top of that they are stealing our technology. That's our fault. Our three letter agency's in the past would consider all Chinese foreign students as agents for their Communist government. That may seem a little farfetched but that was the thinking. I don't know if that has changed. I doubt it. Are you aware that the Chinese navy is the largest navy in the world? That the Chinese economy will overtake our economy in the near future? We will not be the strongest nation on earth if we do not compete to stay ahead.
Combating China is not an "America First" policy. It is simply dealing with China on a number of economic and technology related issues they are involved in. The same concept applies to Iran, North Korea, Russia and the others.

On military strength - we are already stronger than any other nation now and have been for the better part of the last century. Going forward, military strength will no longer be assessed by who has more planes and tanks, it will be gauged by who has technological superiority (specifically data superiority), which is why we need a Manhattan Project style initiative to keep us ahead of China.

DNC Talking point# 12,417.
Yup, I think in recent memory the Clinton administration for a term did not run a deficit. Other than that they just print more money when they need to. Our kids and their kids will be paying for it.
The national debt went up every year during the Clinton presidency too. The balanced budget was smoke and mirrors off balance sheet accounting. They all spend more than they collect in revenue and we must borrow difference.
Sounds like Bullshit to me!!! False equivalences! The only time republicans are outraged about our national debt or spending is when Democrats are the ones in office. When they spend it is crickets....just STFU already about our debt because you all sound stupid.
Sounds like Bullshit to me!!! False equivalences! The only time republicans are outraged about our national debt or spending is when Democrats are the ones in office. When they spend it is crickets....just STFU already about our debt because you all sound stupid.
If you are talking about my post, I clearly stated it’s a bipartisan issue. Both sides are to blame. Take a course in reading comprehension.
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It feels like you’ve thrown a confrontational catch phrase ...America First... into the flames and dared everyone to take you on. Not sure what is motivating you to start a ruckus. What’s your goal?

That said, I remain distressed that Trump has seriously diminished America’s standing in the world. His America First slogan really means America Alone. We have insulted our allies (Germany, France, Canada, Australia), kowtowed to our enemies (Russia) and appeased dictators around the world (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Philippines). We talk tough with China but do nothing to protect Hong Kong freedoms or oppose persecution of the Uighers. We reject climate change and expose our environment to exploitation.

This is not leadership. This is America retreating from global leadership in favor of domestic political advantage with people afraid of international markets and products. It has encouraged protectionism via tariffs and other prohibitions. It discourages foreign intellectual talent to move to the US to further fuel our leadership in high tech. Trump has us retreating, not growing stronger.

Do I want our military to be the best? No question. But, that cannot be achieved on our own. We need strong allies in Asia to counter China and strong allies in Europe to counter Russia Trump has thumbed his nose at these allies and thereby weakened our military strength. NATO used to follow our lead. No more. Asian countries relied on us for the post WWII Pax Americana that allowed them to grow and prosper in peace. No more.

America First is a delusional slogan used by Trump to fire up his nationalistic base of people afraid of international influences on our lives. This slogan encourages retreat from the world, not extension of American leadership. I want us to lead the world, not shrink from it.
While we are all busy arguing left and right, our country’s fiscal policy is quietly racing toward disaster. In the year 2000 our national debt was just over 5 trillion dollars. Today, just 20 years later, it has grown to nearly $28 trillion.

So from the time our country was founded, to the year 2000, we accumulated $5 trillion in debt. And, in just 2 decades we added another $23 trillion. A five fold increase in 20 years! Both parties have their fingerprints on this. BOTH!

We all need wake up to the fact that NO ONE in Washington has our back. These people are ALL spineless, self serving weasels.

There are no chiropractors in Washington DC because they can’t find anyone with a spine.

Our fiat currency is backed by NOTHING but good faith. Our leaders have gambled that this good faith is perpetual, even though a fiat currency system has NEVER worked in the history of mankind.

Time for us all to wake up, join together, and demand better while we still have a chance.
I couldn’t agree more but what am I suppose to do? This is an honest question. It’s not that I don’t care. I have a vote and I use it, that’s it. I’m not about to start a revolution and the matriarch system in dc and quite frankly even at the state could care less what I have to say. What am I going to write a letter, lol? I hate it but like I said, what am I going to do? I work, my wife works, we both raise our kids by our selves when the other is working and spend time together as a family on the couple days that we’re both not working at at the same time or have date night. We don’t really do anything else or have time for anything else.
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Very easy, America first is family first, if we put our families first why shouldn’t we do the same thing with the country that provides us our freedoms...

Thats all Trump did was put the USA family first.. OMG HE’S A RACIST...!!
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It feels like you’ve thrown a confrontational catch phrase ...America First... into the flames and dared everyone to take you on. Not sure what is motivating you to start a ruckus. What’s your goal?

That said, I remain distressed that Trump has seriously diminished America’s standing in the world. His America First slogan really means America Alone. We have insulted our allies (Germany, France, Canada, Australia), kowtowed to our enemies (Russia) and appeased dictators around the world (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Philippines). We talk tough with China but do nothing to protect Hong Kong freedoms or oppose persecution of the Uighers. We reject climate change and expose our environment to exploitation.

This is not leadership. This is America retreating from global leadership in favor of domestic political advantage with people afraid of international markets and products. It has encouraged protectionism via tariffs and other prohibitions. It discourages foreign intellectual talent to move to the US to further fuel our leadership in high tech. Trump has us retreating, not growing stronger.

Do I want our military to be the best? No question. But, that cannot be achieved on our own. We need strong allies in Asia to counter China and strong allies in Europe to counter Russia Trump has thumbed his nose at these allies and thereby weakened our military strength. NATO used to follow our lead. No more. Asian countries relied on us for the post WWII Pax Americana that allowed them to grow and prosper in peace. No more.

America First is a delusional slogan used by Trump to fire up his nationalistic base of people afraid of international influences on our lives. This slogan encourages retreat from the world, not extension of American leadership. I want us to lead the world, not shrink from it.
No, desire to cause any issues. My interest is purely conversational knowing that there are glaring differences that exist.
I do not agree that we have pulled away from our allies. France, Germany, Canada's leadership are liberal and very conciliatory towards Iran, China and Russia. Trump disagreed with the amount that each country was paying into NATO which really pissed them off , especially Merkel. So as an example, you have these leaders buying into the Iran nuclear deal, which was flawed and you have Trump asking for money. I can't disagree with Trump on those issues. Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was being portrayed as a very expensive exercise for the U.S. I am sure we will agree to disagree on that subject. Where we agree is on China. I also agree that Trump was all talk but did little to protect Hong Kong and did little to retaliate for Covid 19 which the Chinese Communists hid from the WHO and the world. The question is , other than economic sanctions, what could we do about it? Any thought of a military option would be rediculous. So, Trumps hands were tied. He has kept us out of military action and reduced our troop levels in the Middle East. He put America First by not allowing our allies to exploit us financially and cancelled one sided deals. He kept us out of wars and brought our troops home while providing the only reasonable response to China which was sanctions.

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