It feels like you’ve thrown a confrontational catch phrase ...America First... into the flames and dared everyone to take you on. Not sure what is motivating you to start a ruckus. What’s your goal?
That said, I remain distressed that Trump has seriously diminished America’s standing in the world. His America First slogan really means America Alone. We have insulted our allies (Germany, France, Canada, Australia), kowtowed to our enemies (Russia) and appeased dictators around the world (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Philippines). We talk tough with China but do nothing to protect Hong Kong freedoms or oppose persecution of the Uighers. We reject climate change and expose our environment to exploitation.
This is not leadership. This is America retreating from global leadership in favor of domestic political advantage with people afraid of international markets and products. It has encouraged protectionism via tariffs and other prohibitions. It discourages foreign intellectual talent to move to the US to further fuel our leadership in high tech. Trump has us retreating, not growing stronger.
Do I want our military to be the best? No question. But, that cannot be achieved on our own. We need strong allies in Asia to counter China and strong allies in Europe to counter Russia Trump has thumbed his nose at these allies and thereby weakened our military strength. NATO used to follow our lead. No more. Asian countries relied on us for the post WWII Pax Americana that allowed them to grow and prosper in peace. No more.
America First is a delusional slogan used by Trump to fire up his nationalistic base of people afraid of international influences on our lives. This slogan encourages retreat from the world, not extension of American leadership. I want us to lead the world, not shrink from it.