You are a fun poster to read because you are a passionate, ideology-based anti vaxxer, at least as far as the Covid vaccine is concerned. I’ve never met a person with your beliefs.
In that regard, I recently read an article that portrays anti vaxxers as generally: white, rural, Evangelical and pro-Trump. In contrast, Vax Hesitant people are generally: young, Brown, Black and not very compelled by medical issues.
Do you agree with these categories of the non-vaccinated or are they too overbroad or stereotyped?
Thanks Cortez. I appreciate your discussions as well because they arent the typical hyperbole fueled talking points CNN or MSNBC spew. Very often, you bring your own thoughts and reason to the discussion which is more than I can say for MANY liberals I know or discuss with.
In regard to your categories, I have no idea. I havent researched pro-vaccinations vs. anti-vaccination people, where they live, what their religion is and who they support. I'm sure there are studies and reports that paint anti-vaxxers as crazy people... just as there are other studies and reports that would make them look logical.
Honestly, I dont give a rotten rats ass either way. It's not for me to decide or make a judgment on what someone believes or doesnt believe.
I very much believe in "Live and Let Live".
If someone wants to get vaccinated, they should. If someone doesnt want to, they shouldnt. If someone thinks that schools are dangerous to send their kids to, they should keep them home and do virtual learning. If someone feels their kids should be in school, around other kids and exposing their bodies to germs so they can continue to build their immune system THEN THEY SHOULD!
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I've gotten vaccines for all sorts of things in the past. I got the flu vaccine for the last 5 years as a protection for my children. I never got it before I had kids and now that they are old enough and have strong immune systems, I may never get it again.
I may even get the Covid vaccine one day.
What I have adamantly objected to is the mantra that "...everyone should get vaccinated and wear masks... because they work..." because right now at this very moment, that statement is untrue. Vaccinated people still get the virus and still spread the virus. My daughter wore a mask all day everyday in school last year and SHE caught Covid from one of her classmates.
Vaccines and masks ARE NOT EFFECTIVE at preventing infection or spreading the virus. That is 100% FACT.
Now, if I choose to get vaccinated in order to protect myself and my family from potential severe symptoms of the virus, thats a totally different story., If someone wants to tell me "...hey man, you should get vaccinated because if nothing else, it may help to lessen your symptoms if you catch it..." I would agree with, as it appears that most vaccinated individuals have had lesser symptoms.
Ok, I can buy that and if I feel that is reason enough for me to get vaccinated then I will make that choice FOR MYSELF.
But nobody can or will convince me that I should get vaccinated in order to prevent infection or spread. Until they develop a vaccine that actually prevents infection or spread, (which they cant do because they do not have that ability or they would have eradicated the common cold by now) I will make medical decisions for what I choose to put into my body based on my own personal feelings... not what someone else tells me.