Need to get this off my chest. I am class of 65. In all the years I have been a Cane fan
I have seen everything that has happened to this team. Seen all the winning and losing
saw Mira, OJ, The Stork and a bunch of other great players. We had some good teams
and some really bad teams. In all the years of being a fan I never gave up on them. Even
when in Nam I still found ways to follow the team. Sometime they won and sometime we
would get beat bad, but still never gave. When I got back from Nam bought season tickets
and loved going to the Orange Bowl and watching my team play in person. When you are
in a war zone and being shot at you grasp anything you can to be closer to home. In my case
it was the Canes for a few short hours, I forgot people were trying to kill me. What I am trying
to get across to you guys is. If we win or lose you must never up give up on the Canes. They
kept this old Sargent E5 alive and closer to home and happy in that shithole of a country. I may
get disappointed at times but will never give up hoping it will turn around.
Class of 65
Proud member of the 101st Airborne Division
I have seen everything that has happened to this team. Seen all the winning and losing
saw Mira, OJ, The Stork and a bunch of other great players. We had some good teams
and some really bad teams. In all the years of being a fan I never gave up on them. Even
when in Nam I still found ways to follow the team. Sometime they won and sometime we
would get beat bad, but still never gave. When I got back from Nam bought season tickets
and loved going to the Orange Bowl and watching my team play in person. When you are
in a war zone and being shot at you grasp anything you can to be closer to home. In my case
it was the Canes for a few short hours, I forgot people were trying to kill me. What I am trying
to get across to you guys is. If we win or lose you must never up give up on the Canes. They
kept this old Sargent E5 alive and closer to home and happy in that shithole of a country. I may
get disappointed at times but will never give up hoping it will turn around.
Class of 65
Proud member of the 101st Airborne Division