Do you guys know what is wrong with America? On Christmas day a man blew up a trailer.....


Aug 14, 2007
Who is an IT consultant. I have done that for years. We come from two completely different worlds. Yet, this person commits a terrorist act and our president doesn't not mention it. This is the main thing that happened on Christmas Day. A holiday and no mention of it at all!

Why do you think that is?

It is what is wrong with this country. This person can do something like this and NOT be considered a terrorist's but I am sure I certainly would have been. We have people committing these terroristic acts all the time. So called Christians....but I am supposed to be afraid of a Muslim? What have they ever done to me? I ask again? Muslims have never done anything to me.

Who is an IT consultant. I have done that for years. We come from two completely different worlds. Yet, this person commits a terrorist act and our president doesn't not mention it. This is the main thing that happened on Christmas Day. A holiday and no mention of it at all!

Why do you think that is?

It is what is wrong with this country. This person can do something like this and NOT be considered a terrorist's but I am sure I certainly would have been. We have people committing these terroristic acts all the time. So called Christians....but I am supposed to be afraid of a Muslim? What have they ever done to me? I ask again? Muslims have never done anything to me.

Muslims only took down the World Trade Centers. Were your family members in there at that time?

It's cool. Because the good guys assassinated Bin Laden. LOL!
Muslims only took down the World Trade Centers. Were your family members in there at that time?

It's cool. Because the good guys assassinated Bin Laden. LOL!
Thanks to Obama we avenged this heinous crime. Bush said he is no longer looking for him Bin Laden. Having said that you missed the entire point. My family members have gotten more shit from Christians than they have Muslims. Muslims here in the United States don't do anything. We have people that hate the United States and I know why....but we won't even get into that. Because the fake war explains it all. When Republicans get in office they just grand stand and do what they can to keep hold of power.....and this is done at all cost. Do you think it is a coincidence every time one leaves office they leave a dumpster fire?
What is your definition of a terrorist?
My definition of terrorist is not relevant. The definition of terriorist is and if you don't know what that is you need to look it up. Clearly it was an act of terror. You don't blow up city blocks without it being one.
Its wholly relevant.

Here is from the FBI:

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

So as you can see MOTIVE is the determining factor when classifying terrorism, not skin color.

So far we know he wanted to die and "hated 5G"...maybe that could be classified social influences. So let's say he was a terrorist. But I'm sure the FBI is working the case and will let us know the motive when they do.
BULLSHIT!!! I don't need to be an FBI agent or forensic scientist to ascertain when my siting president doesn't mention city blocks being blown up on Christmas day. People died. People sacrificed their lives and you are just being an apologist. That's the presidents job. You have absolutely no mention of the fact he didn't say a word about it.

Obviously, this person wanted to make a point. There are a million ways to kill yourself without threatening others. Terriorist bombings for Muslims.....blow up themselves and others around them. Let me ask you. Do you think it was because they want to commit suicide or wanted to die? They use these bombs for the sole purpose of taking out others around them. This asshole is no different in my view.
What's bullshit? I said I think he was a terrorist. Is the definition of terrorism bullshit?

What is your objection?
My objection is your failure to mention our sitting president said NOTHING about this. ZILTCH....and that tells me you don't think this matters.
What's bullshit? I said I think he was a terrorist. Is the definition of terrorism bullshit?

What is your objection?

The definition of terrorism is notoriously hard to pin down. In our own government, the FBI, CIA, DHS, White House, and State Department have all used different language on the definition.
My objection is your failure to mention our sitting president said NOTHING about this. ZILTCH....and that tells me you don't think this matters.

I do, I was glued to the TV Christmas morning, pissed off. I dont really care about Trump...never have. He means nothing to me....but I do think he released a lame statement the morning of....bit since my life doesnt revolve around Trump I didnt pay attention to what he was saying.

But yeah, I agree, he should have said more.
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The definition of terrorism is notoriously hard to pin down. In our own government, the FBI, CIA, DHS, White House, and State Department have all used different language on the definition.

Agree, but, all I'm saying is color of skin has nothing to do with whether someone is a terrorist. Motive is the determining factor.
Agree, but, all I'm saying is color of skin has nothing to do with whether someone is a terrorist. Motive is the determining factor.

Agreed - the skin color issue is not a part any definition that I've seen. That wouldn't however preclude anyone who deliberately commits an act of terror with the specific intent of attacking a racial group from not being considered a terrorist. The common strain is the intent to attack a nation, a civilian population, or segment thereof.
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Who is an IT consultant. I have done that for years. We come from two completely different worlds. Yet, this person commits a terrorist act and our president doesn't not mention it. This is the main thing that happened on Christmas Day. A holiday and no mention of it at all!

Why do you think that is?

It is what is wrong with this country. This person can do something like this and NOT be considered a terrorist's but I am sure I certainly would have been. We have people committing these terroristic acts all the time. So called Christians....but I am supposed to be afraid of a Muslim? What have they ever done to me? I ask again? Muslims have never done anything to me.

Shut up u dumbass..!!! Who cares what u think..
I do, I was glued to the TV Christmas morning, pissed off. I dont really care about Trump...never have. He means nothing to me....but I do think he released a lame statement the morning of....bit since my life doesnt revolve around Trump I didnt pay attention to what he was saying.

But yeah, I agree, he should have said more.

He is the President of the United States of America. It isn't a matter of our lives revolving around him. He represents America. He said nothing and that is something as American people we expect from our president. In that is gross incompetence to not mention this.
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What is your definition of a terrorist?

Once again miss me with the disingenuous bullsh!t. And I answered that question in this thread already.The coverage from this was not the same as when a person of color commits this type of crime PERIOD! It happened Christmas morning and didn't make the national news. Let that sink in for a minute. I truly only see OD green and judge people by how they treat me and others. I pray you remember those lessons too.
Who is an IT consultant. I have done that for years. We come from two completely different worlds. Yet, this person commits a terrorist act and our president doesn't not mention it. This is the main thing that happened on Christmas Day. A holiday and no mention of it at all!

Why do you think that is?

It is what is wrong with this country. This person can do something like this and NOT be considered a terrorist's but I am sure I certainly would have been. We have people committing these terroristic acts all the time. So called Christians....but I am supposed to be afraid of a Muslim? What have they ever done to me? I ask again? Muslims have never done anything to me.

Trump mentioned Nashville. ALOT. Spoke of his concern about those injured and support for the first responders. Said the perpetraters must be caught and brought to justice.

Just shows that you only listen to a corrupt MSN (CNN, MSLSD, etc.) which did not choose to report the truth of what the President said. If you only listen to idiot's you will be an educated idiot at best.
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Trump mentioned Nashville. ALOT. Spoke of his concern about those injured and support for the first responders. Said the perpetraters must be caught and brought to justice.

Just shows that you only listen to a corrupt MSN (CNN, MSLSD, etc.) which did not choose to report the truth of what the President said. If you only listen to idiot's you will be an educated idiot at best.
Send me the video link. His Twitter has a lot of video and tweets none about that so I’d be fully interested legitimately in seeing it from him.
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I will be glad to. But please first post to Gary Ferman a formal request that upon receipt that you will never post again on this board under any current, previous or new alias. I will not waste my time with you otherwise. I am willing to put up my facts if you are willing to pay a penalty for your lies.
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I will be glad to. But please first post to Gary Ferman a formal request that upon receipt that you will never post again on this board under any current, previous or new alias. I will not waste my time with you otherwise. I am willing to put up my facts if you are willing to pay a penalty for your lies.

I'll take that bet you lying POS. He hasn't posted a bunch of videos anout and has made less than 5 references to it on any platform. So here's what we do. I'll agree to ban my account if you can produce said videos but if you can't produce them you delete your account. Deal?
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Trump mentioned Nashville. ALOT. Spoke of his concern about those injured and support for the first responders. Said the perpetraters must be caught and brought to justice.

Just shows that you only listen to a corrupt MSN (CNN, MSLSD, etc.) which did not choose to report the truth of what the President said. If you only listen to idiot's you will be an educated idiot at best.
Actually no he did not! Listen... this right wing narrative about our media is cuck filled Bullshit too! It's...since I don't like what is said about me then this isn't media. Yes it is! Trump is president of the entire United States of America. Not just the group of people who think he is right about everything. It includes EVERYONE.

This is why he was removed from office. He thinks he only represents those who agree.
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Send me the video link. His Twitter has a lot of video and tweets none about that so I’d be fully interested legitimately in seeing it from him.

He did not do a press conference. He made numerous statements that were released. Does that make his concern and empathy any less. Maybe he didn't want to waste his time with Jake Tapper and Jim Acosta?
Bye, gonna watch a football game. Sucks ESPN doesn't have a pregame.

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