Don't question authority! AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory,


Jul 13, 2001
west central florida

Covid Mandates in Public Schools!!!​

The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’

Merrick Garland’s letter to the FBI follows the National School Board Association’s request to classify protests as “domestic terrorism.”

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” wrote Attorney General Garland. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

TRENDING: "Pandora Papers": The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They're Too Dumb to Notice

Curiously, Garland’s letter didn’t actually specify any credible threats.

“Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.” the DOJ’s press release read.

The DOJ will be creating a task force “consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes…”
Follow the money. No conflict of interest here?


Covid Mandates in Public Schools!!!​

The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’

Merrick Garland’s letter to the FBI follows the National School Board Association’s request to classify protests as “domestic terrorism.”

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” wrote Attorney General Garland. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

TRENDING: "Pandora Papers": The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They're Too Dumb to Notice

Curiously, Garland’s letter didn’t actually specify any credible threats.

“Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.” the DOJ’s press release read.

The DOJ will be creating a task force “consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes…”
Lady follows Senator Sinema into the bathroom stall (a felony in Arizona to film) videotapes the whole thing and Biden the senile fool says its "the process." Such morons.
Follow the money. No conflict of interest here?

Needs to be its own thread. I just read that.
"Parents who oppose critical race theory"? Do you mean tone deaf racist that don't want their kids knowing about their history because they are ashamed of it?
"Parents who oppose critical race theory"? Do you mean tone deaf racist that don't want their kids knowing about their history because they are ashamed of it?
ofcoarce you think that because ONLY what you think is right IS RIGHT in your world. People have the right to think and have different opinions. Cowards and liars do not accept this, because it will prove them wrong as TRUTH doesn't back up their lying claims. To deny people the right to disagree is Fascism , and you CD are a Pig of a Fascist. You may be mad and virtue signal your outrage, BUT to the folks on this board What you have said in the posts you so arrogantly spam us with is all the TRUTH needed to see right through you. God save us from people like you.
ofcoarce you think that because ONLY what you think is right IS RIGHT in your world. People have the right to think and have different opinions. Cowards and liars do not accept this, because it will prove them wrong as TRUTH doesn't back up their lying claims. To deny people the right to disagree is Fascism , and you CD are a Pig of a Fascist. You may be mad and virtue signal your outrage, BUT to the folks on this board What you have said in the posts you so arrogantly spam us with is all the TRUTH needed to see right through you. God save us from people like you.
From some of his posts, i would say he might be the most racist person on the site
ofcoarce you think that because ONLY what you think is right IS RIGHT in your world. People have the right to think and have different opinions. Cowards and liars do not accept this, because it will prove them wrong as TRUTH doesn't back up their lying claims. To deny people the right to disagree is Fascism , and you CD are a Pig of a Fascist. You may be mad and virtue signal your outrage, BUT to the folks on this board What you have said in the posts you so arrogantly spam us with is all the TRUTH needed to see right through you. God save us from people like you.
Your name calling in this post amuses me and does not offend me when I consider the source.

The idea our history is not the truth proves how ignorant you are. The idea since racist assholes cannot handle the truth is evidence that is rooted in that opinion.

I'm sure you feel calling me a fascist is much easier than facing the reality of our nations history. In fact we don't teach enough of it and give a real depiction of this countrys heritage. If we did we would not have the race relations problem that obviously exists today. We keep putting our head under the covers. Hiding it in the sand. Throwing the bills in the mailbox out. The check always comes.

You can't run from the truth. Black people have parents and grand parents that experienced Jim Crow. Great great grandparents that experienced slavery. That's not something you just ignore or ask people to forget.
"Parents who oppose critical race theory"? Do you mean tone deaf racist that don't want their kids knowing about their history because they are ashamed of it?
I for one am not ashamed that over 360,000 whites died, while fighting under the American flag, to free the black race from slavery in the US. First time in history that one race fought a war between themselves in their own country to free another race from slavery. More proof that America is the greatest country on earth.
The idea our history is not the truth proves how ignorant you are. The idea since racist assholes cannot handle the truth is evidence that is rooted in that opinion.

I'm sure you feel calling me a fascist is much easier than facing the reality of our nations history. In fact we don't teach enough of it and give a real depiction of this countrys heritage. If we did we would not have the race relations problem that obviously exists today. We keep putting our head under the covers. Hiding it in the sand. Throwing the bills in the mailbox out. The check always comes.

You can't run from the truth. Black people have parents and grand parents that experienced Jim Crow. Great great grandparents that experienced slavery. That's not something you just ignore or ask people to forget.
CD I'm not name calling you, you have posted your opinion ad nauseum forever. What I did is say my opinion of how you have represented yourself. You tell people how to think then call racist anyone that doesn't fall in line with YOUR way of thinking. As to OUR Country's History Spare ME, You want to REWRITE our HISTORY and then TELL US what it Means, and if someone doesn't Agree they are a Racist. You might be able to pray on innocent Children that do not have the Age nor life experience, but a grown Adult knows what this is and that you are full of 💩 . Not only did he pay with his Life ( Lincoln), BUT MANY MANY WHITE PEOPLE have fought and DIED for equality , and Defeating YOUR RACIST DEMOCRAT PARTY was a HUGE part of it. You ACT like you know , then Forget it was the DEMOCRAT's, Your Party , that enacted The very Same Jim Crow Laws you site. Your Blind because your HATE Blinds YOU. Your Exposed and Transparent Because Your Hate makes you Think Your Superior. The Only one RUNNING from The Truth is You. You can wake up and Stop being The Tool you Are any time YOU Decide to.
Ps- those same Black Family's you Site are Flocking To the Republican Party as you Blather. Your BLM and ANTIFA criminals are FULL of WHITE Democrats. WHY ? Might they even have More White's ? Yha racism exists, because Democrats need it to use as a means to an END.
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Covid Mandates in Public Schools!!!​

The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’

Merrick Garland’s letter to the FBI follows the National School Board Association’s request to classify protests as “domestic terrorism.”

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” wrote Attorney General Garland. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

TRENDING: "Pandora Papers": The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They're Too Dumb to Notice

Curiously, Garland’s letter didn’t actually specify any credible threats.

“Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.” the DOJ’s press release read.

The DOJ will be creating a task force “consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes…”
And this POS was Obama choice to for the supreme court.. Scarey shitt..!!!
I for one am not ashamed that over 360,000 whites died, while fighting under the American flag, to free the black race from slavery in the US. First time in history that one race fought a war between themselves in their own country to free another race from slavery. More proof that America is the greatest country on earth.
Amen !
CD I'm not name calling you, you have posted your opinion ad nauseum forever. What I did is say my opinion of how you have represented yourself. You tell people how to think then call racist anyone that doesn't fall in line with YOUR way of thinking. As to OUR Country's History Spare ME, You want to REWRITE our HISTORY and then TELL US what it Means, and if someone doesn't Agree they are a Racist. You might be able to pray on innocent Children that do not have the Age nor life experience, but a grown Adult knows what this is and that you are full of 💩 . Not only did he pay with his Life ( Lincoln), BUT MANY MANY WHITE PEOPLE have fought and DIED for equality , and Defeating YOUR RACIST DEMOCRAT PARTY was a HUGE part of it. You ACT like you know , then Forget it was the DEMOCRAT's, Your Party , that enacted The very Same Jim Crow Laws you site. Your Blind because your HATE Blinds YOU. Your Exposed and Transparent Because Your Hate makes you Think Your Superior. The Only one RUNNING from The Truth is You. You can wake up and Stop being The Tool you Are any time YOU Decide to.
Ps- those same Black Family's you Site are Flocking To the Republican Party as you Blather. Your BLM and ANTIFA criminals are FULL of WHITE Democrats. WHY ? Might they even have More White's ? Yha racism exists, because Democrats need it to use as a means to an END.
Actually? You did name call me. Go read what you actually said. Second of all I give my opinion like you and everyone else in this forum does so me doing that doesn't mean I expect anyone to believe anything. So WTF are you talking about? Thirdly, my comments have nothing to do with a political party. Do you seriously think I give a shit what party racist belong to? Screw racist and all they stand for. Fourthly, black people are not flocking to your party. That's absolutely ridiculous. I don't know any black people flocking there. Lastly, I never said anything about "white" people. Again WTF are you talking about?
Fourthly, black people are not flocking to your party. That's about ridiculous. I don't know any black people flocking there.

You don't know ANY ? Well then it MUST be a Lie. :rolleyes: just incase you get confused CD that was sarcasm. Thank you though for fortifying my post.

Thirdly, my comments have nothing to do with a political party. Do you seriously think I give a shit what party racist belong to? Screw racist and all they stand for.

Realllly Nothing ??????? Should someone quote ALL you Liberal/Democrat posts ? You are nothing but a paid political AD. You wouldn't be sponsored by CNN would you ? LOL At least have integrity in your convictions. Guess your a Republican or Independent now huh ?

Second of all I give my opinion like you and everyone else in this forum does so me doing that doesn't mean I expect anyone to believe anything. So WTF are you talking about?
Thank you for making it clear you have no problems lying in your posts, so basically your a TROLL without the back bone.

Actually? You did name call me. Go read what you actually said
ofcoarce you think that because ONLY what you think is right IS RIGHT in your world. People have the right to think and have different opinions. Cowards and liars do not accept this, because it will prove them wrong as TRUTH doesn't back up their lying claims. To deny people the right to disagree is Fascism , and you CD are a Pig of a Fascist.
Again I did NOT call you any names. I could come up with some , but all I did was Identify YOUR thought process and say the Name it is Defined as.

"What does it mean to be fascist?
The definition of a fascist is a person who practices or believes in a system of government where a dictator has complete control. An example of a fascist is a Marxist."

That I used PIG as an adjective is proper for someone that revels in his opinion, as a Pig revels in his slop.
You don't know ANY ? Well then it MUST be a Lie. :rolleyes: just incase you get confused CD that was sarcasm. Thank you though for fortifying my post.

Realllly Nothing ??????? Should someone quote ALL you Liberal/Democrat posts ? You are nothing but a paid political AD. You wouldn't be sponsored by CNN would you ? LOL At least have integrity in your convictions. Guess your a Republican or Independent now huh ?

Thank you for making it clear you have no problems lying in your posts, so basically your a TROLL without the back bone.

Again I did NOT call you any names. I could come up with some , but all I did was Identify YOUR thought process and say the Name it is Defined as.

"What does it mean to be fascist?
The definition of a fascist is a person who practices or believes in a system of government where a dictator has complete control. An example of a fascist is a Marxist."

That I used PIG as an adjective is proper for someone that revels in his opinion, as a Pig revels in his slop.
I'm pretty sure calling me a fascistic is calling me a name....being that I am not. This response is one with no backbone. Just own up to what you did. Also, my previous post about your party has its own context. I don't need you adding context that doesn't exist to what I say in this thread.

When I have something to say about your party in a thread I will say it. I don't need you adding to my comments.
Again I did NOT call you any names. I could come up with some , but all I did was Identify YOUR thought process and say the Name it is Defined as.

"What does it mean to be fascist?
The definition of a fascist is a person who practices or believes in a system of government where a dictator has complete control. An example of a fascist is a Marxist."

That I used PIG as an adjective is proper for someone that revels in his opinion, as a Pig revels in his slop.

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