Is coming true. EVERY SINGLE ONE! Talk about proving a guy you dislike RIGHT.
Border wide open 1st week this one came true
Economy souring YEP
Progressive left would run Biden like a puppet You betcha
Foreign affair blunders WORSE THEN WE EVER IMAGINED
Covid under control NOPE
Senile and slipping rapidly YEP
overall weakening of America YES
Crime up Yes
Higher taxes they are sure trying
destruction of American Energy sector Yes
And you fools were concerned about tweets
Border wide open 1st week this one came true
Economy souring YEP
Progressive left would run Biden like a puppet You betcha
Foreign affair blunders WORSE THEN WE EVER IMAGINED
Covid under control NOPE
Senile and slipping rapidly YEP
overall weakening of America YES
Crime up Yes
Higher taxes they are sure trying
destruction of American Energy sector Yes
And you fools were concerned about tweets