Excellent Week Shaping Up.

Let's pause to remember the upstanding and innocent Antifi well armed pond scum that came to Kenosha to work in soup kitchens and build habitat for humanity homes. Yes, we do realize they had felony records a mile long but they were paid to be there by democrats so they were really good kids. Maybe one of them could have grown up to be a democrat mayor?

Let's pause to remember the upstanding and innocent Antifi well armed pond scum that came to Kenosha to work in soup kitchens and build habitat for humanity homes. Yes, we do realize they had felony records a mile long but they were paid to be there by democrats so they were really good kids. Maybe one of them could have grown up to be a democrat mayor?

And the idiot left defends these sumbags.. Only because they can relate to each other...
And the idiot left defends these sumbags.. Only because they can relate to each other...
Noticed one was a sex offender. The left also defended the Loudon County HS Dude in Dress rapist and supported Biden turning his back on the Afghan women that spported America to be raped and sold into sex slavery by the Taliban.
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You think my problem with him is he is white. That tells me everything I need to know about you. You don't know me well enough to make this conclusion. Because you don't care to ask me what my issues are. He is not supposed to have a loaded weapon crossing state lines going to riots for cowboy justice. That's what I believe. YOu think I need a court to tell me this? I don't. People in court are just people. The people that killed Emmit Til got off too so what do you want me to say. They settled it in court. No, they did not settle it in court because they got off.
What is one to think when you know nothing about the case, as demonstrated by your complete ignorance of the facts, but rush to judgment ?

Rittenhyena is a POS that had no business crossing the state line. Belongs in jail with the rest of the hyenas. Agree his privileges' may allow him to skate though.

I know enough and you have no business telling me what I watch. You don't have an idea. This murdering POS can go screw himself and everyone he loves. I hope he rots in jail. He wasn't supposed to take matters in his own hands or cross state lines. PERIOD! So you STFU

Like I said...he had no business leaving the state with a weapon like that. What is it you don't understand about that? Does he need this weapon for work? I will wait genius!!!
-So your issue is he crossed state lines with a fire arm,,,,,, This is false He DID NOT. This was established in Court and Accepted by the Democrat appointed judge (the irony)

- Does he need a gun for his job ? His Father lives in that neighborhood and works at one of those businesses. The business owners of those shops were all holding weapons' and standing on the roofs of those buildings in order to protect their livelihoods. So to answer your question, in the situation that he found himself, with shop owners protecting their shops, He protecting his Father's work site and The Community he lives in is just as much as his job description, as it was for the Shop Owners standing on their roofs with weapons' protecting their business.

Maybe if you waited to actually find out what really happened, and actually cared about justice, and not rush to assumptions (that always push your political agenda and bigotry's) . So what makes him guilty to you ? is it that he opposed a Democrat promoted Riot ? That he's White ? or is it ALL of The Above ?
What is one to think when you know nothing about the case, as demonstrated by your complete ignorance of the facts, but rush to judgment ?

-So your issue is he crossed state lines with a fire arm,,,,,, This is false He DID NOT. This was established in Court and Accepted by the Democrat appointed judge (the irony)

- Does he need a gun for his job ? His Father lives in that neighborhood and works at one of those businesses. The business owners of those shops were all holding weapons' and standing on the roofs of those buildings in order to protect their livelihoods. So to answer your question, in the situation that he found himself, with shop owners protecting their shops, He protecting his Father's work site and The Community he lives in is just as much as his job description, as it was for the Shop Owners standing on their roofs with weapons' protecting their business.

Maybe if you waited to actually find out what really happened, and actually cared about justice, and not rush to assumptions (that always push your political agenda and bigotry's) . So what makes him guilty to you ? is it that he opposed a Democrat promoted Riot ? That he's White ? or is it ALL of The Above ?
This is complete horse shit. I don't see you telling the board how gang bangers in Chicago live in a tough neighborhood so they need guns to defend themselves when they kill each other. Your assertion is pretty ridiculous. I have seen what I needed to see in court. You keep talking about courts and democrat appointed judges as if that has anything to do with what I am saying. This kid said in court what this is about....and we all know by the evidence what it is about. It's Cowboy justice by the male version of a karen. I call them Kens. People like George Zimmerman that think their role is to exercise justice in the community....and thier ridiculous bigoted biases always end up killing people.

IT'S NOT HIS JOB TO EXECUTE COWBOY JUSTICE.....and I don't give a shit what a court says. Self defense? So if I go buy a gun underaged and take it to chicago and go to a gangland territory and kill gang bangers you are defending this? I don't think so. Which is why I say it is horse shit.
This is complete horse shit. I don't see you telling the board how gang bangers in Chicago live in a tough neighborhood so they need guns to defend themselves when they kill each other. Your assertion is pretty ridiculous. I have seen what I needed to see in court. You keep talking about courts and democrat appointed judges as if that has anything to do with what I am saying. This kid said in court what this is about....and we all know by the evidence what it is about. It's Cowboy justice by the male version of a karen. I call them Kens. People like George Zimmerman that think their role is to exercise justice in the community....and thier ridiculous bigoted biases always end up killing people.

IT'S NOT HIS JOB TO EXECUTE COWBOY JUSTICE.....and I don't give a shit what a court says. Self defense? So if I go buy a gun underaged and take it to chicago and go to a gangland territory and kill gang bangers you are defending this? I don't think so. Which is why I say it is horse shit.
Self defense is a right. They pointed a gun at him and he shot and killed them, unlike you who would have likely to have pissed and shit your pants and cried like a B!
This is complete horse shit. I don't see you telling the board how gang bangers in Chicago live in a tough neighborhood so they need guns to defend themselves when they kill each other. Your assertion is pretty ridiculous.
CD take your example.
What makes the neighborhood "tough" in Chicago ? ,,,,, can you see that it's "Criminal" element that makes it " Tough" ? If everyone in these neighborhoods were "law abiding" it would not be "Tough" , can you see and agree with that ?
,,,, Self-Defense is Legal and a rite afforded "law abiding" citizens ,,,, can you see and agree with that ?

Now back to your statement,,,,,
"Gang Banger's " are members of Criminal organizations and or groups ,,,,,,,, Is that the correct usage by you for the term "gang banger's" ? You're not referring to a social group or a bunch of kids at the local YMCA , when you say " Gang Banger" are you ? I would think not . right ?

- So basically your thinking that criminals living in a " Tough Neighborhood " need weapons' to defend themselves against,,,,,, THEMSELVES is a circular justification of criminality. If you can not see that I'll explain further.

- Why didn't you make that same statement, just instead of "Gang Bangers" thought of and said " Law Abiding" Citizens living in THAT neighborhood ? If you had you would of Understood "Law Abiding" Citizens ARE afforded the rite to Protect themselves, and their Property from "Criminal" assault.

Your assertation that Tuff neighborhoods in Chicago are only inhabited by criminals IS Ridiculous. Your failure to view and see the "Riots" as not being Criminal (ignoring all the robbing, burning, assaults' and murders)
IS Ridiculous.
Your inability or failure to differentiate between "Law Abiding" Citizens and " Criminals"
in predominantly Black Neighborhoods in Chicago is not just Ridiculous, its disturbing, and sad .
Only thing wrong that Rittenhouse did was not take out more of those POS rioting looting and burning down buldi gs..
Rittenhouse for POTUS...!!!!!
A serial lying con man and now a murdering HS dropout. You Repugs sure know how to pick them!
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So who asked this underaged POS to arm himself and travel to a dangerous area? When was he deputized? What did the rest of us miss? Color doesn't even factor into this unless you feel the need to defend this purely on a basis this guy is white. I don't care what color he is. You don't load up to defend anything in a riot unless you are deputized to do so.
A serial lying con man and now a murdering HS dropout. You Repugs sure know how to pick them!
We've discussed a few times on here about Joey's lies over 50 years in office and they are too numerous to list. One thing for sure about 45, he never lied about his own wife's death to try to implicate an innocent man in that death. How low of a POS do you have to be to lie about your own wife's death?
These socialist/Demorats would’ve rather seen these 3 ex cons kill Rittenhouse and not be prosecuted. More like why happened last year with BLM and Antifa with all the burning and looting they did.
I would rather see him not be a dumbass and put himself in this situation. You act like he had no control over what he did. We control ourselves if we want to find a weapon. Load that weapon up. Cross state lines and visit a riot site. BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. He decided this on his own.

Know who you are defending. Then he got out on bail only to Pal around with known extremist that promote a racist agenda. If you don't know who you are here defending then you should find out.
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PS enjoyed this POS crying like a little biatch on the stand without his weapon like most of these extremist are without their weapons.
So who asked this underaged POS to arm himself and travel to a dangerous area? When was he deputized? What did the rest of us miss? Color doesn't even factor into this unless you feel the need to defend this purely on a basis this guy is white. I don't care what color he is. You don't load up to defend anything in a riot unless you are deputized to do so.
The store owner did. State police were told to stand down and the governor refused federal help from Trump while your ilk burned the city down. A business owner has the right to defend their business as do individuals. You gotta understand how life works in the US.
I would rather see him not be a dumbass and put himself in this situation. You act like he had no control over what he did. We control ourselves if we want to find a weapon. Load that weapon up. Cross state lines and visit a riot site. BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. He decided this on his own.

Know who you are defending. Then he got out on bail only to Pal around with known extremist that promote a racist agenda. If you don't know who you are here defending then you should find out.
CD , please read the case and the FACTS of the case, so you wont look like an ignorant agenda peddling troll. His Father lives literally 1 block away from that riot site, and the Rifle was NOT brought from OUT of STATE. Why is it you can be told something, which you were wrong about, and you don't look it up for yourself, nor bother to correct your mistake ? Do you like to represent yourself with lies ?

Your statement is devoid of logic.
- Your indicting this kid "we control ourselves" , but by this same logic,,, WHY didn't you Apply it to the looters and Rioters ? You actually called it a " "Riot site", so do you think Riots are Legal and Lawful ?

- "Cross State Lines" this is just you being ignorant and not caring to damage your narrative

- BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. This is your Narrative. BLM and ANTIFA were in that Riot and YOU Condone their actions and FAIL to assert ANY Blame or Responsibility on THEM. IF there was NO RIOT this kid Would Not Of Been There. BLM and ANTIFA had EVERYTHING to do with his being there, as it did with many Store Owners, who stood on the roofs of their businesses Armed protecting their livelihoods .
CD , please read the case and the FACTS of the case, so you wont look like an ignorant agenda peddling troll. His Father lives literally 1 block away from that riot site, and the Rifle was NOT brought from OUT of STATE. Why is it you can be told something, which you were wrong about, and you don't look it up for yourself, nor bother to correct your mistake ? Do you like to represent yourself with lies ?

Your statement is devoid of logic.
- Your indicting this kid "we control ourselves" , but by this same logic,,, WHY didn't you Apply it to the looters and Rioters ? You actually called it a " "Riot site", so do you think Riots are Legal and Lawful ?

- "Cross State Lines" this is just you being ignorant and not caring to damage your narrative

- BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. This is your Narrative. BLM and ANTIFA were in that Riot and YOU Condone their actions and FAIL to assert ANY Blame or Responsibility on THEM. IF there was NO RIOT this kid Would Not Of Been There. BLM and ANTIFA had EVERYTHING to do with his being there, as it did with many Store Owners, who stood on the roofs of their businesses Armed protecting their livelihoods .
He is a triggered loon who puts anyone presenting facts on ignore.
CD , please read the case and the FACTS of the case, so you wont look like an ignorant agenda peddling troll. His Father lives literally 1 block away from that riot site, and the Rifle was NOT brought from OUT of STATE. Why is it you can be told something, which you were wrong about, and you don't look it up for yourself, nor bother to correct your mistake ? Do you like to represent yourself with lies ?

Your statement is devoid of logic.
- Your indicting this kid "we control ourselves" , but by this same logic,,, WHY didn't you Apply it to the looters and Rioters ? You actually called it a " "Riot site", so do you think Riots are Legal and Lawful ?

- "Cross State Lines" this is just you being ignorant and not caring to damage your narrative

- BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. This is your Narrative. BLM and ANTIFA were in that Riot and YOU Condone their actions and FAIL to assert ANY Blame or Responsibility on THEM. IF there was NO RIOT this kid Would Not Of Been There. BLM and ANTIFA had EVERYTHING to do with his being there, as it did with many Store Owners, who stood on the roofs of their businesses Armed protecting their livelihoods .
A. Please don't tell me what I condone.

B. He did not have to go out for dumbass justice regardless of where his dad lived because he wasn't defending the home.

C.If you want to pretend this is not a person that pals around with racist that's who YOU are ..and you should capitalize that.
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I would rather see him not be a dumbass and put himself in this situation. You act like he had no control over what he did. We control ourselves if we want to find a weapon. Load that weapon up. Cross state lines and visit a riot site. BLM and Antifa had absolutely nothing to do with his actions. He decided this on his own.

Know who you are defending. Then he got out on bail only to Pal around with known extremist that promote a racist agenda. If you don't know who you are here defending then you should find out.
But you have no judgement on the others that brought a gun and chased him !!! That’s interesting, how about all the looters and fire burning rioters. Do you have an opinion on them ? Like I said you would have rather seen the ex cons shoot him and not have a trial. Guys were you stand CD, not a word about all the looting and rioting going on at the time.
CD seems rather fixated upon an American citizen crossing state lines (30 minute trip) and carrying a gun (2nd ammendment right) to help friends protect their business because the democrat governor would not.
But he has no problems with MS13 gang bangers from El Salvador crossing the border, breaking the laws the second they set foot on US soil. Many carrying guns and deadly drugs, then complaining they were separated from the child that they had kidnapped fair and square to sell into sex slavery, so they demand $450,000 from Joe and Merrick.

As my Aunt used to say, "That boy just ain't right"
CD seems rather fixated upon an American citizen crossing state lines (30 minute trip) and carrying a gun (2nd ammendment right) to help friends protect their business because the democrat governor would not.
But he has no problems with MS13 gang bangers from El Salvador crossing the border, breaking the laws the second they set foot on US soil. Many carrying guns and deadly drugs, then complaining they were separated from the child that they had kidnapped fair and square to sell into sex slavery, so they demand $450,000 from Joe and Merrick.

As my Aunt used to say, "That boy just ain't right"
Dude has lost it! His TDS has taken away any remaining ability to seek the truth or having a rational discussion. Typical radical socialist blaming racism when there is none in this case.
CD seems rather fixated upon an American citizen crossing state lines (30 minute trip) and carrying a gun (2nd ammendment right) to help friends protect their business because the democrat governor would not.
But he has no problems with MS13 gang bangers from El Salvador crossing the border, breaking the laws the second they set foot on US soil. Many carrying guns and deadly drugs, then complaining they were separated from the child that they had kidnapped fair and square to sell into sex slavery, so they demand $450,000 from Joe and Merrick.

As my Aunt used to say, "That boy just ain't right" are trying to tell me what I am okay with and what I condone. Stop!

I don't condone wutaboutism you are attempting here. Nothing to do with what my comments.
A. Please don't tell me what I condone.

B. He did not have to go out for dumbass justice regardless of where his dad lived because he wasn't defending the home.

C.If you want to pretend this is not a person that pals around with racist that's who YOU are ..and you should capitalize that.
Could you please share the link that Rittenhouse pals around with racists? I've never once heard of him hanging around with LeBron.
There isn’t any wutaboutism on where you stand !!!’ We all know what you condone ,you are just not MAN enough to admit it !!!!
Well, at least I don't condone people who pal around with racist. I know that much. Do you?
You think my problem with him is he is white. That tells me everything I need to know about you. You don't know me well enough to make this conclusion. Because you don't care to ask me what my issues are. He is not supposed to have a loaded weapon crossing state lines going to riots for cowboy justice. That's what I believe. YOu think I need a court to tell me this? I don't. People in court are just people. The people that killed Emmit Til got off too so what do you want me to say. They settled it in court. No, they did not settle it in court because they got off.
Yes. Your problem is that he is white. You’ve dishonestly omitted the word “white” when saying he was going to get off because of his “privilege”. Predictable from a racist such as yourself.

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