FL Democrats Have a Great Healthcare Plan


Gold Member
Nov 21, 2017
Errrr maybe not. They probably shouldn’t have returned that PPP loan with only $60,000 in the bank and $869,000 in outstanding debts. Sounds like they could have really used the cash.

Not sure how large their staff is, but they’ve fired 2/3 of them. Maybe they can get a job installing solar panels?

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Errrr maybe not. They probably shouldn’t have returned that PPP loan with only $60,000 in the bank and $869,000 in outstanding debts. Sounds like they could have really used the cash.

Not sure how large their staff is, but they’ve fired 2/3 of them. Maybe they can get a job installing solar panels?

It was Trump's fault.
Errrr maybe not. They probably shouldn’t have returned that PPP loan with only $60,000 in the bank and $869,000 in outstanding debts. Sounds like they could have really used the cash.

Not sure how large their staff is, but they’ve fired 2/3 of them. Maybe they can get a job installing solar panels?

The hypocrite party...!!
The hypocrite party...!!
The thing that’s frustrating above it all is that if you’re a house hold of four and make around 100,000 to 150,000 a year and you’re not getting insurence through your company, you basically have to have a part time job working on your insurence for six months to not get screwed with a 10-$16,000 a year insurence plan that doesn’t suck. It’s the systems way of trying to make everything “equal” through socialism.

$100-150,000 a year use to be a decent earning but now with tax’s, mortgages, insurence, etc it puts us right back to the middle class that we’ve been sacrificing, risking and working so hard to get away from so that we can get to that next level that the government clearly doesn’t want us to get to.
The thing that’s frustrating above it all is that if you’re a house hold of four and make around 100,000 to 150,000 a year and you’re not getting insurence through your company, you basically have to have a part time job working on your insurence for six months to not get screwed with a 10-$16,000 a year insurence plan that doesn’t suck. It’s the systems way of trying to make everything “equal” through socialism.

$100-150,000 a year use to be a decent earning but now with tax’s, mortgages, insurence, etc it puts us right back to the middle class that we’ve been sacrificing, risking and working so hard to get away from so that we can get to that next level that the government clearly doesn’t want us to get to.

Did I miss something. Thought ObamaCare was going to reduce premiums while you can keep your plan and Doctor. You mean that did not happen. What you wrote must be fake news. Obama would never lie.
Did I miss something. Thought ObamaCare was going to reduce premiums while you can keep your plan and Doctor. You mean that did not happen. What you wrote must be fake news. Obama would never lie.
You’d think as much as we work and spend and as much as they make we’d at least get a btle of dom or something with our purchase but we basically get a fu, you make too much not
our problem instead approach
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