Mario the past 3 years :
Manny has........nothing, nada, zippo
- 25-7 overall
- 17-5 in Pac 12
- Played in 2 Pac 12 title games, likely a third this year
- Rose Bowl (win over Wisc), Fiesta (loss to Iowa St.) and will see this year
- Finished #5 in 2019, currently #11
- Recruiting classes are ranked #7, #8, #9, #8 inclusive of this year
- 20-15 overall
- 15-9 in ACC
- 0 ACC title games
- Independence Bowl (loss to La Tech), Cheez It Bowl (loss to Okie St.)
- Finished #22 in 2020
- Recruiting classes ranked #35, #13, #10, #60 inclusive of this year
Manny has........nothing, nada, zippo