GA orders signature match recount

wow. Trump will lose more votes after they see the trumpers are the real fraudsters. Fact. Why did Joel Osteen get 4.4 million dollars. Wtf insanity.
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More recounts won't help. We have recounted the votes here 3 times already. We are willing to do it many more....just make sure Trump has his shit an is out of the white house when the time comes.
More recounts won't help. We have recounted the votes here 3 times already. We are willing to do it many more....just make sure Trump has his shit an is out of the white house when the time comes.

Shut up dumb-ass..
This is nothing more than DJT trying to destroy our democracy and repubs have becoming an autocracy.

Most legitimate republicans have defected from the party and are independent.

Who is left are people trying to make America a shit hole country driven by the wealthy haves looking down on the have nots.....and saying they don't have anything because they are lazy, while they make all the rules by appointing judges, pardoning crimes, and making the have not foot the tax bill.

It's disgusting. I have zero respect for these people. They are cucks following a demagogue for no other reason than they just want to belong to something. Being they are losers. It's crazy!

It will take years to clean this mess up as usual when a Republican leaves office. Now they will revert right back to the national debt. They will care about that again. These hyenas are just terrible people.
Hopefully 3rd times a charm or is this the 4th..I keep losing count..
We are at time number 4 lmao.... soon this will get to the level of times republicans tried to remove obama care and pre existing conditions.

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