Are there any football people in the building who understand & can explain the repercussions of keeping Manny? It would be program suicide for the next 2-3 years.
- He only has 7 recruits
- He's already a bad recruiter as is
- Next year's batch is screwed too
- No impact linemen on either side
- Lashlee may be gone
- Lashlee takes his offensive qc coaches
- T-Rob is gone
- The fan base is livid
- The optics of Manny/Miami is toxic in the national media
- We may lead the country in portal kids going & coming
- The jock pulling contest between Mr. Mas & Manny Diaz Sr will destroy the program
Manny must be released if anything to save the damn brand. Done.
- He only has 7 recruits
- He's already a bad recruiter as is
- Next year's batch is screwed too
- No impact linemen on either side
- Lashlee may be gone
- Lashlee takes his offensive qc coaches
- T-Rob is gone
- The fan base is livid
- The optics of Manny/Miami is toxic in the national media
- We may lead the country in portal kids going & coming
- The jock pulling contest between Mr. Mas & Manny Diaz Sr will destroy the program
Manny must be released if anything to save the damn brand. Done.