Gee, I wonder why the mockingbird press isn’t making this information known.


Jan 14, 2003
It’s not like they have video. Oh wait, they do.

What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag? Not a reach (and was covered just after the 6th on this board, search for it). Hope he rots in prison...or dies.
It’s not like they have video. Oh wait, they do.

Check the dates.
What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag? Not a reach (and was covered just after the 6th on this board, search for it). Hope he rots in prison...or dies.
Nope. You didn’t watch the video, he’s been. a BLM activist, and he was encouraging riots. To the surprise of no one @ellu comes in to either purposely miss the point, muddy the waters, or run from the truth faster than Usain Bolt.
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Nope. You didn’t watch the video, he’s been. a BLM activist, and he was encouraging riots. To the surprise of no one @ellu comes in to either purposely miss the point, muddy the waters, or run from the truth faster than Usain Bolt.
Careful, he will claim you are attacking him, block you, and never return to this thread. Meanwhile, another supporting piece of evidence that exposes him as a fraud.
Careful, he will claim you are attacking him, block you, and never return to this thread. Meanwhile, another supporting piece of evidence that exposes him as a fraud.
I love when he posts something ridiculous, then tells you he’s leaving the thread like a two year old running away with his fingers in his ears.
I love when he posts something ridiculous, then tells you he’s leaving the thread like a two year old running away with his fingers in his ears.
First, I don't leave threads that still have content, I leave them when they turn into name calling ad hominem, if you have time to get into name calling, negative nonsense with ZERO information or actual debate involved, have at it. When I lose interest, I actually lose interest. Most of the stuff folks say here would never be said in person or with your full name and profession attributed to it. So if I tune it out I tune it out. There is a mute button, I encourage you to use it, keeps trolls away for sure. If you think that of me, click it, whats the worse that can happen, I don't think you'll miss me much.

As for ridiculous, I linked you an entire thread from Twitter dated November 26, 2020, well before the January 6th incident which highlighted that this guy with the camera is not welcomed by the BLM community as an activist and was viewed as agent provocateur. He seems to be an anarchist in that respect, wanting to simply sew chaos and profiteer off of it. I stated that he was not liked by the left or right, not sure why that chafes you. The thread was linked. Here is the 11/26th tweet.

News outlets, before 1/6/21 also ran articles on this guy lack of bonafides. What about this factual quote "What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag?" was so damned offensive? I'm saying both hate him, in no way am I implying that the Proud Boys endorse him.

I also ended it with "Hope he rots in prison...or dies."

He's a piece of crap, from anyone's perspective, so whats the problem there? I think we'd all agree that rotting in prison is a place he deserves. How you arrive at that opinion is immaterial.

But trying to shoehorn someone who was publically renounced as not BLM or at least rejected by many of the organizers and influencers in the movement, as somehow the vanguard of that movement is not accurate.

Here is an update by these same leftist
further detailing their disavowal between 11/26 and 1/6 and some analysis of 1/6.

The guy is a scumbag criminal and grifter, when you are rejected by extremist on the far left and far right your a special kind of scumbag. Prison isn't going to be nice to him but if anyone has earned it he has.

So, if you want to defend his fealty to BLM feel free to disabuse the thousands of texts, the deplatforming of his accounts prior to 1/6 and the grift he was accused of before all of this and attack me for mentioning these facts rather than deal with the truth of them.

Or you could just mute me if actual information and discussion isn't what you would like, I"m all for the exchange of ideas, respectfully of course.
First, I don't leave threads that still have content, I leave them when they turn into name calling ad hominem, if you have time to get into name calling, negative nonsense with ZERO information or actual debate involved, have at it. When I lose interest, I actually lose interest. Most of the stuff folks say here would never be said in person or with your full name and profession attributed to it. So if I tune it out I tune it out. There is a mute button, I encourage you to use it, keeps trolls away for sure. If you think that of me, click it, whats the worse that can happen, I don't think you'll miss me much.

As for ridiculous, I linked you an entire thread from Twitter dated November 26, 2020, well before the January 6th incident which highlighted that this guy with the camera is not welcomed by the BLM community as an activist and was viewed as agent provocateur. He seems to be an anarchist in that respect, wanting to simply sew chaos and profiteer off of it. I stated that he was not liked by the left or right, not sure why that chafes you. The thread was linked. Here is the 11/26th tweet.

News outlets, before 1/6/21 also ran articles on this guy lack of bonafides. What about this factual quote "What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag?" was so damned offensive? I'm saying both hate him, in no way am I implying that the Proud Boys endorse him.

I also ended it with "Hope he rots in prison...or dies."

He's a piece of crap, from anyone's perspective, so whats the problem there? I think we'd all agree that rotting in prison is a place he deserves. How you arrive at that opinion is immaterial.

But trying to shoehorn someone who was publically renounced as not BLM or at least rejected by many of the organizers and influencers in the movement, as somehow the vanguard of that movement is not accurate.

Here is an update by these same leftist further detailing their disavowal between 11/26 and 1/6 and some analysis of 1/6.

The guy is a scumbag criminal and grifter, when you are rejected by extremist on the far left and far right your a special kind of scumbag. Prison isn't going to be nice to him but if anyone has earned it he has.

So, if you want to defend his fealty to BLM feel free to disabuse the thousands of texts, the deplatforming of his accounts prior to 1/6 and the grift he was accused of before all of this and attack me for mentioning these facts rather than deal with the truth of them.

Or you could just mute me if actual information and discussion isn't what you would like, I"m all for the exchange of ideas, respectfully of course.

Hes been a BLM supporter and activist the whole time fact. The only reason he isn’t liked by some on the left is he was stupid enough to post the video of him and other BLM and ANTFA thugs right after January 6, On more than one occasion you have announced your departure from a thread before people could respond. Snowflakes going to snowflake.
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Hes been a BLM supporter and activist the whole time fact. The only reason he isn’t liked by some on the left is he was stupid enough to post the video of him and other BLM and ANTFA thugs right after January 6, On more than one occasion you have announced your departure from a thread before people could respond. Snowflakes going to snowflake.
Hahaha! That snowflake considers being called out for not coming back to own his conspiracy threads and wrongful accusations an ad hominem or devolving thread. Funny how that works after he was the one touting the conspiracy, then claimed that he mans up when he is wrong. Frauds gonna fraud!
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Hahaha! That snowflake considers being called out for not coming back to own his conspiracy threads and wrongful accusations an ad hominem or devolving thread. Funny how that works after he was the one touting the conspiracy, then claimed that he mans up when at wrong. Frauds gonna fraud!

That’s the thing, I’ve been wrong on this forum before, we all screw up. Just man up admit your wrong and move on.
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Hes been a BLM supporter and activist the whole time fact. The only reason he isn’t liked by some on the left is he was stupid enough to post the video of him and other BLM and ANTFA thugs right after January 6, On more than one occasion you have announced your departure from a thread before people could respond. Snowflakes going to snowflake.
I'm consistent on when I leave. Feel free to cite to something showing me different. More people do bitching an moaning about my posts, rarely do I complain about someone's post I usually make my point, provide references and keep it pushing. Snowflakes get upset, provide no sources, no citations, resort to ad hominem and rinse and repeat. I leave those threads and let folks know deuces, folks that do it repeatedly get muted. Why they get upset over it I'll never understand, true snowflakes if you ask me.

That being said,

You wrote
"The only reason he isn’t liked by some on the left is he was stupid enough to post the video of him and other BLM and ANTFA thugs right after January 6"

The post I directed you to, cut and paste above and that you are ignoring or being intellectually dishonest about is from November of 2020, it can't therefore be "the only reason he isn't liked" based on a January 6 post. That was the sum of my point, the guy is universally decried as a scumbag.

Not only that, he's a grifter and a crook.

More so I suggested he be locked up or even dead to do his tactics.

So I think the only disagreement you have is that you do not like me citing to specific information that undercuts the narrative that ""The only reason he isn’t liked by some on the left is he was stupid enough to post the video of him and other BLM and ANTFA thugs right after January 6" but instead of conceeding it or countering it you focus on threads that I leave when folks resort to name calling.

As long as we are discussing this issue, with even a modicum of intellectual vigor, I'm happy to do so.

Please help me understand why you discount the two threads I posted, specifically all the information gathered publically about his criminal disgusting bullsh*t that was hated by all and really why you'd rather adopt a position that is opposite of it with no verification. show me where he was accepted after the November post that exposed him, caused him to change yet another name and create another fiction to scam and cause general hateful strife...I'd be curious what you cite to.
Everything cited by Andy is before he was exposed as a fraud in November. He cites to a July incident and another Pre-November incident, all of which are covered in the thread denouncing him and causing him to shift fake names and pseduo accounts to continue the fraud.

I don't like extremist, but even the extremist don't like this guy.

"charged in July 2020"
"BLM Plaza in DC in August 2020"

November 26, 2020

Literally all the repudiations is after July and August and both mentioning the prior July and August indicents as in part basis for the repudiation.

Again, I'm looking for something that shows that after November 26 exposure, he was welcomed; everything shows that he changed his online name and continued to scam under a new identity.
That’s the thing, I’ve been wrong on this forum before, we all screw up. Just man up admit your wrong and move on.
Not sure if this is targeted to me, it quotes something I have muted (I also don't read those who are muted because why lol). But yes, if you can show me that after November 26, he was acting as some sort of BLM dude and not just a raging piece of shit then I'll still hope he rots in prison, still hope he dies there and will ascribe him to the cause generally.

All fingers point to this guy being a complete scumbag who only cares about himself, on this message board tho, that's never good enough, you have to "be on a side" as if some folks are not just plain assholes.
Not sure if this is targeted to me, it quotes something I have muted (I also don't read those who are muted because why lol). But yes, if you can show me that after November 26, he was acting as some sort of BLM dude and not just a raging piece of shit then I'll still hope he rots in prison, still hope he dies there and will ascribe him to the cause generally.

All fingers point to this guy being a complete scumbag who only cares about himself, on this message board tho, that's never good enough, you have to "be on a side" as if some folks are not just plain assholes.

It was targeted towards you. Look at your sources, they’re a joke.
Everything cited by Andy is before he was exposed as a fraud in November. He cites to a July incident and another Pre-November incident, all of which are covered in the thread denouncing him and causing him to shift fake names and pseduo accounts to continue the fraud.

I don't like extremist, but even the extremist don't like this guy.

"charged in July 2020"
"BLM Plaza in DC in August 2020"

November 26, 2020

Literally all the repudiations is after July and August and both mentioning the prior July and August indicents as in part basis for the repudiation.

Again, I'm looking for something that shows that after November 26 exposure, he was welcomed; everything shows that he changed his online name and continued to scam under a new identity.

Nothing you posted takes away from the facts of the story.
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Another pathetic joke of journalism job by Anderson Cooper. He is nothing but silver spoon, entitled leftist hack. But doesn't he look smart serious with his glasses, furrowed brow and perfect hair. 🤡 I never trust a politician or journalist with perfect hair. When it comes to football coaches, I trust some with perfect hair; Jimmy Johnson says "hi".
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What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag? Not a reach (and was covered just after the 6th on this board, search for it). Hope he rots in prison...or dies.
He was only hated by the left when it became obvious he was now a smoking gun. The guy has been involved in numerous BLM & anarchist marches and activities. He’s now inconvenient for the left to acknowledge.
Nope. You didn’t watch the video, he’s been. a BLM activist, and he was encouraging riots. To the surprise of no one @ellu comes in to either purposely miss the point, muddy the waters, or run from the truth faster than Usain Bolt.
Typical atty BS, by ellu
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