First, I don't leave threads that still have content, I leave them when they turn into name calling ad hominem, if you have time to get into name calling, negative nonsense with ZERO information or actual debate involved, have at it. When I lose interest, I actually lose interest. Most of the stuff folks say here would never be said in person or with your full name and profession attributed to it. So if I tune it out I tune it out. There is a mute button, I encourage you to use it, keeps trolls away for sure. If you think that of me, click it, whats the worse that can happen, I don't think you'll miss me much.
As for ridiculous, I linked you an entire thread from Twitter dated November 26, 2020, well before the January 6th incident which highlighted that this guy with the camera is
not welcomed by the BLM community as an activist and was viewed as agent provocateur. He seems to be an anarchist in that respect, wanting to simply sew chaos and profiteer off of it. I stated that he was not liked by the left or right, not sure why that chafes you. The thread was linked. Here is the 11/26th tweet.
News outlets, before 1/6/21 also ran articles on this guy lack of bonafides. What about this factual quote "
What info, that a guy that is hated by the extreme left more than the far right and whose brother is a Proud Boy is a scumbag?" was so damned offensive? I'm saying both hate him, in no way am I implying that the Proud Boys endorse him.
I also ended it with "Hope he rots in prison...or dies."
He's a piece of crap, from anyone's perspective, so whats the problem there? I think we'd all agree that rotting in prison is a place he deserves. How you arrive at that opinion is immaterial.
But trying to shoehorn someone who was publically renounced as not BLM or at least rejected by many of the organizers and influencers in the movement, as somehow the vanguard of that movement is not accurate.
Here is an update by these same leftist
further detailing their disavowal between 11/26 and 1/6 and some analysis of 1/6.
The guy is a scumbag criminal and grifter, when you are rejected by extremist on the far left and far right your a special kind of scumbag. Prison isn't going to be nice to him but if anyone has earned it he has.
So, if you want to defend his fealty to BLM feel free to disabuse the thousands of texts, the deplatforming of his accounts prior to 1/6 and the grift he was accused of before all of this and attack me for mentioning these facts rather than deal with the truth of them.
Or you could just mute me if actual information and discussion isn't what you would like, I"m all for the exchange of ideas, respectfully of course.