Georgia is most important


Jan 9, 2004
Let’s keep Sidney Powell and Lin Wood from speaking anywhere in GA please. These morons would rather boycott election and turn the senate. Just need 1 win to keep the senate red. Get out and vote and vote by mail Republicans If u have to. It is Okay to do that no matter what DJT says. Honestly if POTUS had not crapped on mail In voting he would probably be serving a second term.
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Let’s keep Sidney Powell and Lin Wood from speaking anywhere in GA please. These morons would rather boycott election and turn the senate. Just need 1 win to keep the senate red. Get out and vote and vote by mail Republicans If u have to. It is Okay to do that no matter what DJT says. Honestly if POTUS had not crapped on mail In voting he would probably be serving a second term.
I'll be voting next week...Republican.
You cats are a trip man. This is like a reality TV show. It's funny and sad at the same exact time how you are so partisan you don't care about this country being the laughing stock of the entire world. You don't even see it and it is right in front of you.
You cats are a trip man. This is like a reality TV show. It's funny and sad at the same exact time how you are so partisan you don't care about this country being the laughing stock of the entire world. You don't even see it and it is right in front of you.

I’m not a republican (independent) but Democrats spend money foolishly and have no fiscal policy. So I have said I’m fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Senate needs to stay red to keep dems in line. I side more with center dems on moral issues. I don’t care who u love or what gender you feel you are. Do u. Loeffler can lose as she is a pos but Perdue needs to keep senate Red and I dont even like him much either. Not great candidates honestly but it’s not my state and al I care about is keeping it red this cycle.
I’m not a republican (independent) but Democrats spend money foolishly and have no fiscal policy. So I have said I’m fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Senate needs to stay red to keep dems in line. I side more with center dems on moral issues. I don’t care who u love or what gender you feel you are. Do u. Loeffler can lose as she is a pos but Perdue needs to keep senate Red and I dont even like him much either. Not great candidates honestly but it’s not my state and al I care about is keeping it red this cycle.
Both parties drive debt. Do your homework. Dems less actually. They at least invest. Republicans spend....and it doesn't matter if you are independent. Your info in inaccurate.
yes but dems would have my kids kids under water with reckless spending. I agree with dems on infrastructure spending.
So your kids don't have to pay it back when Republicans do it? Making zero sense dude. Republicans spend more. Look it up.
So your kids don't have to pay it back when Republicans do it? Making zero sense dude. Republicans spend more. Look it up.

If it were up to dems we would spend 10 trillion on Corina virus relief which is not sustainable. I agree we need to invest on infrastructure but not much else i agree with. Green new deal I hope never comes to fruition in AOC way as she doesn’t even know how to pay for it.

But support your dems and good luck in election. You won’t change the way I feel so not gonna go back and forth with you. My opinion dems spend recklessly and it’s Okay if you disagree, we live in America and it’s a free country. Enjoy the canes game today big day.
If it were up to dems we would spend 10 trillion on Corina virus relief which is not sustainable. I agree we need to invest on infrastructure but not much else i agree with. Green new deal I hope never comes to fruition in AOC way as she doesn’t even know how to pay for it.

But support your dems and good luck in election. You won’t change the way I feel so not gonna go back and forth with you. My opinion dems spend recklessly and it’s Okay if you disagree, we live in America and it’s a free country. Enjoy the canes game today big day.
Listen, I am not partisan. If I were I wouldn't have said dems spend too much. I don't give a shit about either of them. You guys come here and go on about this stuff. Libs this conservatives that and Independent. I assure you none of those people really give a shit about us. They serve their donors. As long as there are no term limits and there is money in politics that is how it will be. I just go with the lessor of two evils. If that were republican then I would go with them. I have before but right now that party is a pure dumpster fire. I view policies and people not parties.

Enjoy the game as well....GO CANES!
You cats are a trip man. This is like a reality TV show. It's funny and sad at the same exact time how you are so partisan you don't care about this country being the laughing stock of the entire world. You don't even see it and it is right in front of you.

Shut up u fool..!!!
You are hilarious. You might be the biggest dem partisan on this board.
No...I just call out bullshit and you don't care for it. Conservatives and republican people agree with me. The supreme court is conservatives.... they agree.
I’m not a republican (independent) but Democrats spend money foolishly and have no fiscal policy. So I have said I’m fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Senate needs to stay red to keep dems in line. I side more with center dems on moral issues. I don’t care who u love or what gender you feel you are. Do u. Loeffler can lose as she is a pos but Perdue needs to keep senate Red and I dont even like him much either. Not great candidates honestly but it’s not my state and al I care about is keeping it red this cycle.
The problem is, Perdue might be as big of a POS as Loeffler...
yes but dems would have my kids kids under water with reckless spending. I agree with dems on infrastructure spending.
Republicans drive up debt and crash economies yet you still come with is dumb revisionist history. Once again a Democrat have to come and rebuild what a Repub destroy. Like you build and hand off only to have to rebuild

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