What a national embarrassment for our beloved U!!!!!!! Michael Irvin is on ESPN's First Take this morning and had a segment on the Top 4 Football Bloopers from this weekend. Number 1 was Gurvan Hall purposely avoiding making a tackle by running away from the ball carrier on a screen play and into a blocker on the other side of the ball carrier for Michigan State. The play resulted in a 50 yard gain for Michigan State. Gurvan not only avoided making a direct tackle but got knock to the ground by the blocker when he hit him. SAD!!!! He has been a below average safety for us and it is a disgrace he is wearing the number 26 for the U. He has given up long passing plays all this year by making the wrong reads and by not communicating with his fellow defensive backs. If he starts this weekend I will be for the first on the GET MANNY OUT OF HERE bandwagon!