Mark it! Don’t fall for the “we need stability” hand that’s being played. It’s a bluff.
Manny “takes a year off” <wink> <wink> then emerges as a DC candidate next year at a G5 school or an analyst to save his career at a P5 school.
Mario is HOME!!!!!
Rhett get’s his big shot!
Last message? “Hey TVD! We know you love Rhett! But look at what Mario did with Justin Herbert! Oh, and don’t worry! Maribel will fix this OL!” Plus, TVD seems to love his WR’s and TE’s here.
Manny “takes a year off” <wink> <wink> then emerges as a DC candidate next year at a G5 school or an analyst to save his career at a P5 school.
Mario is HOME!!!!!
Rhett get’s his big shot!
Last message? “Hey TVD! We know you love Rhett! But look at what Mario did with Justin Herbert! Oh, and don’t worry! Maribel will fix this OL!” Plus, TVD seems to love his WR’s and TE’s here.