Kiffin will make the U relevant in day one.
Even if we end up 7-5 next year the U willf be covered endlessly by the media, Game Day will be in Gables more than once and our games will be
Prime Time.
He will be raising the U brand awareness exponentially and thus
more profitable for the school.
Fans are about winning games but entertaiment business people are about the bottom line, selling tickets, media rights and shirts.
If was running the The U. Inc, I would hire Land in a heartbeat, winning makes you relevant; so is having Lane Kiffin on our sideline.
Even if we end up 7-5 next year the U willf be covered endlessly by the media, Game Day will be in Gables more than once and our games will be
Prime Time.
He will be raising the U brand awareness exponentially and thus
more profitable for the school.
Fans are about winning games but entertaiment business people are about the bottom line, selling tickets, media rights and shirts.
If was running the The U. Inc, I would hire Land in a heartbeat, winning makes you relevant; so is having Lane Kiffin on our sideline.