I Stand with Bobulinsky

Bruh, America wouldn't read the Mueller report, didn't care about a Colonel who was actively serving and you think they'll give AF now?

LOL you got a better chance of resurrecting Hillary and Ollie North hearings.

Baked in the cake, familiar with that phrase?
ellu your confusing people who had animus and negative feelings and opinions (not a single one accused the President of an illegal act on direct questioning) with our President, with a guy who Admits he was a co conspirator to a crime/illegality and has physical tangible Proof . Not opinion, not ruffled feeling nor feathers ,,,,,,,,,, Big Difference and an EASY one to see and tell
Bruh, America wouldn't read the Mueller report, didn't care about a Colonel who was actively serving and you think they'll give AF now?

LOL you got a better chance of resurrecting Hillary and Ollie North hearings.

Baked in the cake, familiar with that phrase?

I do agree most people don’t care.
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Bruh, America wouldn't read the Mueller report, didn't care about a Colonel who was actively serving and you think they'll give AF now?

LOL you got a better chance of resurrecting Hillary and Ollie North hearings.

Baked in the cake, familiar with that phrase?

Everthing you wrote is true. Which is sad and scary. Completely corrupt and self serving governments never work for a long period of time. That is what is in place now. That is what Trump was elected to clean up. He has made progress, but he cannot clean up years of corruption since Daddy Bush took control, through the Clinton's, Bushie 2 and Obama in 3 years. That is twenty years. And yes, the Bushes were equally culpable as Clinton and Obama. The deep state is dug in and throwing desperate attempts to derail him and go back to biz as usual - the guilded power broker class rules!

Biden is not the creator of corruption, he is just a one of many symptom. Your stated fact that very few care is accurate but will make the USA just another 3rd world hell hole. Trump is far from perfect, but he, IMO has best intentions. His personal income has decreased since taking the Prez job. Biden's income rose massively once he got the Veep job. Honestly? anything to at least take a detailed look at there?

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