I'll be damned it was antifa...son of a bitch


Dec 27, 2014

I'll be damned, it was conservatives that rioted, looted and burned down our cities all summer and took innocent lives in the process. SOB
I'll be damned, it was conservatives that rioted, looted and burned down our cities all summer and took innocent lives in the process. SOB
801 this is not tit for tat, the capitol riot was right wing mostly whites. gun nuts that hide behind religion . looters are mostly black that turn a terrible situation like George floyd's
death into a opportunity to justify stealing. Both are terribly wrong and need to stop.
March, protest, state your case. At the end of the day both situations are about right and wrong
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801 this is not tit for tat, the capitol riot was right wing mostly whites. gun nuts that hide behind religion . looters are mostly black that turn a terrible situation like George floyd's
death into a opportunity to justify stealing. Both are terribly wrong and need to stop.
March, protest, state your case. At the end of the day both situations are about right and wrong
Stealing? What about destroying businesses and homes, burning police cars and state and federal buildings, takeovers of cities, and killing innocent cops and civilians? Both are wrong and not right whatsoever. One lasted a few hours though, while one went on all summer thanks to the encouragement and approval of many on the left, including our new VP. Can you just imagine if whites behaved the same way any time a white person gets killed by the cops, which by the way happens nearly twice as many times per year as it does with blacks?
801 this is not tit for tat, the capitol riot was right wing mostly whites. gun nuts that hide behind religion . looters are mostly black that turn a terrible situation like George floyd's
death into a opportunity to justify stealing. Both are terribly wrong and need to stop.
March, protest, state your case. At the end of the day both situations are about right and wrong
But one group was stopped after four hours and hasn’t been an issue since. The other groups are still rioting/looting and have been for almost half a year in counting because the liberal leadership in charge doesn’t want to do anything about it and the liberal propaganda networks are trying to cover it up. Don’t you find it even the slightest bit odd that the mayor of dc refused to call in the national guard after months of her city being under attack and yet she had no problem calling in the national guard the second her fellow political hacks were under attack? Don’t you find at all odd, the liberal propaganda networks refusing to cover the rioting/looting that’s currently going on all over the country all the while they’re still covering the four hour capital invasion from over a month ago as if it’s still current events and they talk about it every hour of every day.
Wow this violence is good because our people did it and yours is bad even though you reject them and don't support them. Let me ask this ,,,,,,,, Has ANY Republican or Conservative Government official Denounced, rejected, and criticized Riots, especially the capital one ?( since its portrayed as an alleged conservative event it's logical a conservative won't be inclined to self criticism) and I'm talking figure heads like Gram, Cruz, McConnel types , NOT a Staffer,,,,,,,,,,,, now HAS ANY Democrat, Liberal, or Leftist Government Official done the SAME for ALL the Riots. Don't just cite the capital riot as evidence of indignation, as that riot pits conservatives vs liberals and there is self-serving interest on both sides.

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