Just watched General H.R McMaster


Dec 27, 2014
Do not know what party he is truly aligned with, why would you not vote for him as a presidential candidate in the future ????????
A member of the cesspool that was the Obama admin. Should’ve never had any place in this admin ever. He’s also an enormous egotistical narcissis!
One more thing , i was not aware of generals and military people being part of " ADMINISTRATIONS "
One more thing , i was not aware of generals and military people being part of " ADMINISTRATIONS "
My uncle is retired Lt Col & SF and was part of the inner circle in Washington. McMasters has a horrible rep amongst them. He would sell his soul quickly to get ahead. He was not a direct member of Obama’s admin but he was very cozy with John Brennan. When Trump hired him as Nat’l Security Advisor I knew it was a problem. He was nothing more than a plant.

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