Bill Clinton was impeached.
Bill Clinton is of low moral fabric.
Bill Clinton engaged in extra marital affairs.
Bill Clinton did not comport himself with the standards and decency expected in the white house.
Bill Clinton was a lousy role model.
You can substitute Trump for those if you like.
Bill Clinton lied under oath in a deposition, Trump did not, he submitted his answers in writing and refused to be deposed, in no small part because of what Bill did.
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar...Trump sued to ensure his transcripts were not available (just own that shit like McCain did, now that's a man and a hero).
Hillary is an accomplished intelligent woman who I wouldn't trust to feed my goldfish, just something about her that I don't personally like, she was probably the most qualified person to run for President in the last 40 years (objectively speaking) but wasn't a fan, not a fan, will never be a fan.