As far as research goes, I'm obsessive as you should know. Look at my past posts and you'll see that I've asked over and over for people to do the research before posting opinion as fact. It's pointless and negates any constructive debate. The last thing I want to do is post lies and untruths to support a point of view. As I said, pointless. As for my dislike of Trump, I can't stand anything about the man. The lying, endless boasting and name calling is disgusting. I've often wondered what the attraction is for his supporters and asked my wife her thoughts. The only thing we've been able to come up with is his racist rhetoric. What else is there? He even makes Nixon look honorable. And any draft dodger who derides a POW for being captured is not worthy of being Commander in Chief. And then there was his comments at the Veterans cemetery about "suckers and losers" which he, of course, denied. But think back about his comments about McCain and it sounds just like something he would say. Bottom line, he is a despicable human being. If this is the type of person you support, what does that say about you? You used to be one of my favorite posters but your Trump adoration has taken you off the rails!