just wait till they start taking the xtras away from citizens, like $$$, 2nd homes, large estates, cars, guns, then make everyone pay inflated taxes until everyone is the same , ie broke. Wait till everyone get a meal card and stands in line for food that was already taken by the friends of the gov and gov officials, just like they get 1st dib's on everything they like. So much love and Idealism over Castro and the Cuban government, mean while my wife has to log into a Panamanian web site to buy the only mattress they offer at $700 plus Shipping( spring mattress not worth $50 new) for her parents, because their mattress from the 70's finally caved in and they sell none on the island. Most people never lived it, and Hollywood paints a robin hood fantasy about it, yet people (millions of cubans) die, have died, and will continue to die escaping it, even on an inflatable innertube. Thank Trump Voters you'll never find out the truth behind these murdering black holes of Marxists, and you can keep on thinking stories and warnings like these are crazy hyperbole, because their truth is a killer. Good Luck everyone and God Bless everyone ( before it becomes illegal to say)